Faculty Publication

Year Name of Faculty Title of the Paper-Conference/Journal Details
2024-2025 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

Parallel Pipelined Hardware Acceleration of Fast Fourier Transforms on FPGA
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)

2024-2025 Mr. Anoop Thomas

A novel road attribute detection system for autonomous vehicles using sensor fusion
International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore)

2024-2025 Ms. Mariya Vincent

On the Impact of Hardware Impairments on Performance of Terahertz Communication Systems utilizing Hybrid Beamforming Techniques
Tensymp 2024

2024-2025 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Packet Compression Techniques for NoC
4th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems

2024-2025 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Comparative Analysis of MLP-Based and Traditional Channel Estimation Strategies for Millimeter Wave MIMO Networks
Third International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT)

2024-2025 Mr. Anoop Thomas

Detection of Road Attributes Using Solid-State LiDAR
11th International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications

2024-2025 Dr. Sabna N

Revolutionizing Disaster Healthcare
2024 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES)

2024-2025 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

S-Parameter Analysis of Three-Layered Aperture Coupled Antenna with a Flame Retardant-4 Composite Material as Substrate for Biomedical Applications
Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures (MACS), An International Journal on Advanced Materials & Composite Structures

2024-2025 Dr. Sabna N

Redesigned generative framework with refinement network for improved localization of image forgeries
J. Electron. Imaging, Journal of Electronic Imaging

2024-2025 Mr. Ajai V Babu

Enhancing Mobile Robot Navigation in TurtleBot3 Burger: A ROS-Enabled Approach Focusing on Obstacle Avoidance in Real-World Scenario
2024 IEEE International Conference on Smart Power Control and Renewable Energy (ICSPCRE)

2024-2025 Mr. Ajai V Babu

ROS2-Powered Autonomous Navigation for TurtleBot3: Integrating Nav2 Stack in Gazebo, RViz and Real-World Environments
2024 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES)

2024-2025 Mr. Ajai V Babu

Enhancing Mobile Robot Navigation in TurtleBot3 Burger: A ROS-Enabled Approach Focusing on Obstacle Avoidance in Real-World Scenario
2024 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES)

2024-2025 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

A novel road attribute detection system for autonomous vehicles using sensor fusion
International Journal of Information Technology, Springer.

2024-2025 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Compact Wide Band Rectifier for RF Energy Harvesting

2024-2025 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Detection of Road Attributes using Solid-State LiDAR
11th International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications

2024-2025 Mr. Bonifus

High Speed Data Transfer from External Interface to Memory using FIFO and AXI DMA
2024 Global Conference on Communications and Information Technologies (GCCIT)

2023-2024 Mr. Naveen N.

Dental Radiography Analysis and Diagnosis using YOLOv8
9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC)

2023-2024 Dr. Tressa Michael

A Novel Approach For ECG Anomaly Detection Using CNN
Nanotechnology Perceptions

2023-2024 Dr. Tressa Michael

IoT based Wireless Networks in Hospitals: Ensuring Seamless Communication in Critical Situations
Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101160591

2023-2024 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Histopathological image classification using CNN with squeeze and excitation networks based on hybrid squeezing
Signal, Image and Video processing

2023-2024 Mr. Rony Antony P.

Real Time Indoor Mapping Using Hexacopter
9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC) 2023

2023-2024 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Novel Algorithms for Early Cancer Diagnosis Using Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 in Thermal Images
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

2023-2024 Dr. Jisa David

Detection of Tuberculosis Using Cascaded Ensemble Method
9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication(ICSCC 2023)

2023-2024 Dr. Jaison Jacob

An Improved Pelican Optimization Algorithm Based Residual Recurrent Neural Network for Channel Estimation with Hybrid Precoder in MIMO-OFDM System
Wireless Personal Communications 137(2):1-36

2023-2024 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

Subnetwork Based Traffic Aware Rerouting for CMesh Bufferless Network-on-Chip
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers

2023-2024 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Human Activity Recognition using Low Cost Doppler Radar Sensor Network and CNN
ICSCC 2023: 9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications. 17-19 Aug 2023

2023-2024 Ms. Swapna Davies

Novel Algorithms for Early Cancer Diagnosis Using Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 in Thermal Images

2023-2024 Ms. S.Santhi Jabarani

An Improved Pelican Optimization Algorithm Based Residual Recurrent Neural Network for Channel Estimation with Hybrid Precoder in MIMO-OFDM System
Wireless Personal Communication

2023-2024 Ms. S.Santhi Jabarani

Comparative Analysis of MLP-Based and Traditional Channel Estimation Strategies for Millimeter Wave MIMO Networks
2024 Third International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT 2024)

2022-2023 Ms. Mariya Vincent

Cellular Base Station Deployment Using PSO and Genetic Algorithm
9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC) 2023

2022-2023 Mr. Nitheesh Kurian

Sensor Data Fusion Methods for Driverless Vehicle System: A Review
2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking (ICPCSN 2022)

2022-2023 Dr. Sabna N

An Improved CNN Model for Image Forgery Detection
10th Computing Conference 2023 (Science and Information Conference) held in June 2023, London ,UK.

2022-2023 Dr. Tressa Michael

Design and Analysis of Hybrid Classification Approaches Across Multi-Relational Decision Tree Learning Algorithm
Advances in Parallel Computing

2022-2023 Ms. Rinju Mariam Rolly

Unmanned aerial vehicles: Applications, techniques, and challenges as aerial base stations
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

2022-2023 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Design Of High Gain Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna for Small Satellite Applications
Journal of Current Research in Engineering and Science (JCRES)

2022-2023 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Analysis of substrate materials in microstrip antenna for biomedical applications
Materials Today Proceedings (Scopus (Elsevier)

2022-2023 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Design and Analysis of Slot Loaded Microstrip Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection
2023 Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT)

2022-2023 Mr. Karunakara P Menon

A Machine Learning Approach to Self-Adjust Optimal Air Conditioning Temperature using Differential Air Velocity
IEEE International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC) 2023

2022-2023 Mr. Bonifus

Optimisation of FPGA-Based Designs for Convolutional Neural Networks
Comprises of select peer-reviewed papers presented during the 18th Control Instrumentation System Conference

2022-2023 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Optimisation of FPGA-Based Designs for Convolutional Neural Networks
Smart Sensors Measurement and Instrumentation

2021-2022 Mr. Nitheesh Kurian

Garbage Collecting Robot Using YOLOv3 Deep Learning Model
2021 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)

2021-2022 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

International conference on Sustainable technology and Innovation for Industry 4.0 (icstii 2022)

2021-2022 Ms. Neethu Radha Gopan

3rd Annual International Conference on Innoventive Engineering-Intelligent System Integration (ICISI-2021), July 2021.

2021-2022 Ms. Neethu Radha Gopan

A Hybrid Fusion-Based Algorithm for Underwater Image Enhancement Using Fog Aware Density Evaluator and Mean Saturation.
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications pp 129–140.

2021-2022 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

DAReS: Deflection Aware Rerouting between Subnetworks in Bufferless On-Chip Networks

2021-2022 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

Alzheimer’s disease classification using pre-trained deep networks
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

2021-2022 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

Implementation of Low Complexity Signal Tracking Loop of a GPS Receiver Using CORDIC Algorithm
International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)

2021-2022 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Comparison of ALEXNET and VGG16 for Analysis of Plant Leaf Disease
2021 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)

2021-2022 Dr. Jaison Jacob

LoRa Based Wireless Network for Disaster Rescue Operations
2021 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)

2021-2022 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Image Encryption Using Chaotic Map And Related Analysis,
2021 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)

2021-2022 Mr. Anoop Thomas

International conference on Sustainable technology and Innovation for Industry 4.0 (icstii 2022)

2021-2022 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

Interleaved Edge Routing in Buffered 3D Mesh & CMesh NoC
8th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications

2021-2022 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Early Detection of Skin Tumor Using Dipole Antenna
2021 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC),Published in IEEE Xplore

2021-2022 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Microstrip antenna for early stage breast cancer detection - A survey
Review Paper - Health and Technology International Journal published by Springer Verlag, Accepted - 14 June 2021,Published 07 August 2021

2020-2021 Dr. Sabna N

Sabna N., "An improved channel estimation for underwater acoustic OFDM and COFDM systems"
Int. J. Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.264-278, 2021.

2020-2021 Dr. Tressa Michael

Modeling the efficiency of SCR catalyst in the exhaust system
international journal of scientific & engineering research

2020-2021 Ms. Anila Kuriakose

Simulation and Analysis of Realistic Human Motion Micro Doppler Signatures in Through Wall Radar
ICECA 2020

2020-2021 Ms. Anila Kuriakose

Improved High Gain Vivaldi Antenna Design for Through Wall Radar Applications
APSYM 2020

2020-2021 Dr. Jisa David

Discriminating flash crowds from DDoS attacks using efficient thresholding algorithm
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

2020-2021 Mr. Anoop Thomas

Deep Learning Techniques in Autonomous Vehicle Environment: A Comparative Study
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)

2020-2021 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Exploration of Beamforming Approach to Enhance the Detection Rate of Underwater Targets in Distributed Multiple Sensor Systems
Smart Science

2020-2021 Ms. S.Santhi Jabarani

American Sign Language to Audio Conversion using CNN in Python and Website Creation.
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 6 Issue 4, August - 2020

2020-2021 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

Smart Glove
AICTE sponsored International online Conference on Current Trends and Challenges in Health care Informatics and Technology, KSR College of Engineering, TamilNadu

2020-2021 Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba

Traffic aware routing in 3D NoC using interleaved symmetric edge routers
Nano Communication Networks, Elsevier ( SC Indexed)

2020-2021 Dr. Jisa David

Detection of distributed denial of service attacks based on information theoretic approach in time series models
Journal of Information security and applications

2020-2021 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Histopathological Image Classification using Ensemble transfer learning”
International Conference on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics (ICMLBDA) March 2021,Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India.

2020-2021 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Dual- Band Multi-Port Rectinna For RF Energy Harvesting
Progress In Electromagnetic Research C electromagnetic Research C

2020-2021 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

“Lung Nodule Classification in CT Images Using Convolutional Neural Network”,
International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC)

2020-2021 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

Lung Nodule Detection In Ct Images Using Cnn – Novel Approach
National Conference on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (NCMLAI 2019)

2020-2021 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

Chapter publication,Convolutional Neural Network for Biomedical Applications
Computational Intelligence and Its Applications in Healthcare

2020-2021 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

Performance Evaluation of Speech Denoising Using Three Different Deep Neural Networks
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7 Issue 2, February 2020

2020-2021 Dr. Tressa Michael

CNN Intrusion Detection for Threat Analysis of a Network
3945Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education

2020-2021 Ms. Swapna Davies

Breast Cancer Detection in Infrared Thermal Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks: A Transfer Learning Approach
International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition 2020 Dec 15

2020-2021 Dr. Rithu James

Mixed Noise Removal by Processing of Patches
Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation

2020-2021 Mr. Naveen N.

Analysis on Extraction of Common Foreground Object by Co-Segmentation
Springer International Conference On Communication Systems And Networks (Comnet 2019)

2020-2021 Ms. Harsha A.

Mixed Noise Removal by Processing of Patches
Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation

2020-2021 Mr. Nitheesh Kurian

Garbage Collecting Robot Using YOLOv3 Deep Learning Model
2021 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)

2020-2021 Dr. Sabna N

Deep Signature ID: CNN and SNN algorithms in Signature Identification
International Journal for Research in Engineering, Vol-06, Issue-05, Aug 2020

2020-2021 Dr. Tressa Michael

SAODV Protocol Based Cryptographic Technique for Automotive Cybersecurity '
International journal of scientific research in science ,Engineering and Technology

2019-2020 Ms. S.Santhi Jabarani

Image transmission using OFDM over a modeled shallow water Acoustic channel ICECA 2019 Screen reader support enabled.
International conference ICECA 2019

2019-2020 Dr. Jisa David

Accurate and Efficient Copy-Move Forgery Detection

2019-2020 Mr. Bonifus

Study and Implementation of Ethernet Based Synchronization in Distributed Data Acquisition System
International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies,Springer

2019-2020 Dr. Sabna N

Anit V.I., Sabna N. (2020) Hybrid Analog and Digital Beamforming for SU-MIMO Frameworks. In: Hemanth D., Shakya S., Baig Z. (eds) Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things. ICICI 2019. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 38. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34080-3_25

2019-2020 Ms. S.Santhi Jabarani

"Eye Movement Based Cursor Control and Home Automation for Disabled People"
2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES)

2019-2020 Mr. Abhishek Viswakumar

Performance evaluation of 5G waveforms: UFMC and FBMC-OQAM with Cyclic Prefix-OFDM System
Conference ICACC

2019-2020 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

Indoor Localization based on Ultra Wide Band using Deca-Wave
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020

2019-2020 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

A Comparative Study on the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer using different Models in Deep Learning
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 ISSN: 2319-7064

2019-2020 Ms. Neethu Radha Gopan

Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using CNN and R-CNN
ARSSS International Conference

2019-2020 Ms. Anila Kuriakose

An Improved Vivaldi Antenna Design for Through Wall Radar Imaging

2019-2020 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

convolutional neural networks for biomedical applications
Computational Intelligence and Its Applications in Healthcare

2019-2020 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

Performance evaluation of speech denoising using three different deep neural networks
international journal of innovative science,engg,technology

2019-2020 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Supercontinuum Laser Based Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Sensor for Acetylene Gas Detection
International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, November 2019, Goa, India.

2019-2020 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

Lung nodule detection in CT images-a noval approach

2019-2020 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Performance comparison of accelerated MVDR beamformers for medical ultrasound imaging
Proceedings of the International Conference on digital image and signal processing, 29-30 April, 2019. Oxford University, UK

2019-2020 Mr. Jaison Jacob

Power Allocation Strategies for In Band Full Duplex Relaying: A Survey
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems ACCESS’ 20

2019-2020 Ms. Neethu Radha Gopan

Performance Analysis of Automated Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application: ICIDCA 2019

2019-2020 Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran

Lung Nodule Classification in CT Images Using Convolutional Neural Network
2019 9th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC)

2019-2020 Ms. Swapna Davies

Image Dehazing Based on Physical Model and Gray Projection
Indiana Summit 2019

2019-2020 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Multiport compact antenna for RF energy harvesting
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, December 2019, Singapore.

2019-2020 Mr. Naveen N.

Analysis On Extraction Of Common Foreground Object By Co-segmentation

2019-2020 Dr. Jaison Jacob

An Improved resource allocation scheme for heterogeneous macro-femto networks. Advances in Communication Systems and Networks, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Singapore. Vol. 656, pp 21-34. 2019.
(ComNet 2019)

2019-2020 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Analysis on extraction of common foreground object by co-segmentation. Advances in Communication Systems and Networks, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Singapore. Vol. 656, pp 231-243. 2019.
(ComNet 2019)

2019-2020 Dr. Rithu James

Analysis of Different Speckle-scene Models for SONAR Image Despeckling

2019-2020 Ms. Rinju Mariam Rolly

Power optimization in Application based D2D Communication
Advances in Communication Systems and Networks

2018-2019 Dr. Jisa David

Entropy Based High Rate Attack Detection Using GARCH Model
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing

2018-2019 Ms. Rinju Mariam Rolly

Dynamic Base Station or Relay Station deployment and small cell On/Off strategy for green ultra dense networks" (ICACC 2018)

2018-2019 Dr. Sabna N

Arya S. Nair, Dr. Sabna N., "Performance Evaluation of Hybrid PAPR Reduction Methods", International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150, Vol-04, Issue-05, Aug 2018.

2018-2019 Dr. Tressa Michael

Intelligent Ambulance Management System with A* Algorithm
2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT)

2018-2019 Mr. Bonifus

ICTRCET - 2018

2018-2019 Dr. Jisa David

Efficient DDoS flood attack detection using dynamic thresholding on flow-based network traffic
Elsevier – Computers & Security

2018-2019 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Decision fusion in cognitive radio using improved fuzzy approach, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 143, 2018, Pages 219-225

2018-2019 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Dynamic base station or relay station deployment and small cells on/off strategy for green ultra dense networks, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 143, 2018, Pages 827-834

2018-2019 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Performance analysis of Glaucoma Detection Approaches from Fundus images , Procedia Computer Science, Volume 143, 2018, Pages 544-551

2017-2018 Dr. Jos Prakash A.V.

“Multi-Stage Noise Shaping ΣΔ Modulator with Enhanced Noise Shaping for Low Power Wideband Applications” in the Journal of Low Power Electronics

2017-2018 Dr. Rithu James

Sonar Image Enhancement using Fractional Masks

2017-2018 Mr. Rony Antony P.

'Optimized BIST Architecture for Memory Cores and Logic Circuits using CLFSR ',International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies 2017

2017-2018 Dr. Jisa David

Comparison And Analysis Of SMIE-SIS With Conventional Approaches (Accepted ICACC'18)

2017-2018 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

"A body biased adiabatic dynamic differential logic (BADDL) to prevent DPA attacks in smart cards",IEEE 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), Madurai, 2017, pp. 686-690.

2017-2018 Mr. Naveen N.

2.3 -2.69 GHz Active Inductor Based Band-Pass Filter in RF Transceiver for WBAN

2017-2018 Dr. Tressa Michael

Intelligent Ambulance Management System with A* Algorithm

2017-2018 Mr. Rony Antony P.

'Optimized Microcode BIST Architecture for Multiple Memory Cores in SoCs',3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology (RTEICT-2018)

2017-2018 Mr. Naveen N.

A 2.4GHz LNA with Active Inductor in RF Transceiver for WBAN

2017-2018 Mr. Bonifus

An efficient built-in self-repair scheme for multiple RAMs, 2nd IEEE RTEICT

2017-2018 Ms. Harsha A.

IoT based Goggles for CAR Drivers
IEEE ComSoc 5G Summit 2017

2017-2018 Mr. Rony Antony P.

;BIST Architecture for Multiple RAMs in SoC',7th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications 2017,Rajagiri School of Engineering, Kakkanad

2017-2018 Mr. Anoop Thomas

A Study on Implementing Autonomous Intra City Public Transport System in Developing Countries - India

2017-2018 Mr. Abhishek Viswakumar

K3S Bipedal Robot
NCETET - 2017 Conference Proceedings

2017-2018 Dr. Jos Prakash A.V.

Band-pass Differential Quantizer based Error Feedback Modulator” Indian Patent Filed with Application No. 201741022304

2017-2018 Mr. Nitheesh Kurian

Implementation of Aerial Cargo Transporter

2017-2018 Mr. Nitheesh Kurian

Rapid Prototyping of Structural Electronics: A Wireless Approach towards Printing of Electronic Objects (IOT)

2017-2018 Ms. Mariya Vincent

Corrigendum to “Power-aware fuzzy based joint base station and relay station deployment scheme for green radio communication

2017-2018 Ms. Mariya Vincent

Adaptive Neuro fuzzy based Base station and Relay station deployment for next generation wireless communication system

2016-2017 Dr. Jos Prakash A.V.

“A Differential Quantizer based Error Feedback Modulator for Analog to Digital Converters” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II

2016-2017 Dr. Jos Prakash A.V.

"A Triple-mode Hexa-standard Reconfigurable TI Cross-Coupled ΣΔ Modulator" in International Journal of Electronics - Taylor & Francis

2016-2017 Dr. Jaison Jacob

An Antenna Selection Scheme with MRE and AWC for Decision Fusion in Cognitive Radio. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Impact Factor: 1.295, SJR - 0.31, H-Index-5).

2016-2017 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

A Suitable Interface IC for MEMS capacitive pressure monitoring sensor

2016-2017 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Design and performance analysis of RF to DC converters for wireless semsors

2016-2017 Dr. Jos Prakash A.V.

"A Multi-mode MASH ΣΔ Modulator for Low Power Wideband Applications" in 2016 Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design

2016-2017 Mr. Rony Antony P.

“Development of TI Console Framework for Test automation of Radio Network Controller”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), 15 Jun - 16 Jun 2017

2016-2017 Dr. Sabna N

Ann Brian, Greeshma Grace and Sabna N., "ECG based algorithm for detecting Ventricular Arrhythmia and Atrial Fibrillation"
IEEE Xplore,

2016-2017 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Spectrum Occupancy Measurement and Analysis in Kochi-India from a Cognitive Radio Perspective, Sixth International Symposium on Embedded computing & system Design (ISED-16) ,Patna, India, December, 2016 .

2016-2017 Mr. Bonifus

Design of AES Architecture With Area and Speed Tradeoff, Procedia Technology Volume 24, 2016, Pages 1135-1140

2016-2017 Dr. Sabna N

Sabna N. and P.R. Saseendran Pillai, Channel Estimation in an OFDM system for Undersea Acoustic Links
volume 5, International Journal on Communications, 2016

2016-2017 Ms. Harsha A.

Modeling of Voiced and Unvoiced Speech Signals Using Fractional Calculus

2016-2017 Ms. Harsha A.

Analysis of fractional tools on EEG compression

2016-2017 Ms. Harsha A.

Study on Wavelet Spectral Band Based EEG Compression

2016-2017 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

An efficent way to implement Scalar Multiplication in Ellipc curve cryptography, IJERT ISSN 2278-0181

2016-2017 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

K3S Bipedal Robot, IJERT ISSN 2278-0181

2016-2017 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

Design and Analysis of a Series-Parallel Coaxial Stub Type Balun Fed Dipole Antenna”, 6th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing & System Design (ISED), IIT Patna, Dec 2016.

2016-2017 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

“Circularly Polarized Square Patch Antenna with Improved Axial Ratio Bandwidth”, 13th International IEEE India Conference (INDICON), IISc Bangalore, Dec 2016.

2016-2017 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

“Frequency and Polarization Reconfigurable Fractal Microstrip Antenna”, 13th International IEEE India Conference (INDICON), IISc Bangalore, Dec 2016

2016-2017 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

“Frequency and polarization reconfigurable patch antenna”, Antenna Test & Measurement Society (ATMS India - 17) Proceedings, International Conference, Hyderabad, India, Feb 2017, pp 133-137

2016-2017 Dr. Sabna N

Sabna N. and P.R. Saseendran Pillai, Bit error rate performance of underwater channels for OFDM data
J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 58 (2),

2016-2017 Mr. Bonifus

Design and Analysis of Modified Fast Compressors for MAC Unit, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – Volume 36 Number 4 - June 2016

2016-2017 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

“A Novel J Slot Antenna for UWB WiMedia”, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol 93, pp 89-93, 2016.

2016-2017 Dr. Rithu James

"Poisson Noise Removal from Medical Images using Fractional Integral Mask' International Conference On Communication And Electronics Systems (ICCES-2016)

2016-2017 Dr. Rithu James

"Blind Estimation of Single Look Side Scan Sonar Image from the Observation Model" 6th International Conference On Advances In Computing & Communications, ICACC 2016, 6-8 September 2016, Cochin, India

2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas

A Non Invasive Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Remote Monitoring System

2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas

FPGA Implementation of UDS Service

2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas


2015-2016 Ms. Harsha A.

State space representation of Fractional-Order Low-Pass Filters

2015-2016 Ms. Harsha A.

Error Analysis of Linear Fractional Order Systems Using Step Response

2015-2016 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Delta-sigma modulator for low power low voltage bio-medical applications

2015-2016 Ms. Harsha A.

Fractional order filter modeling using state space representation and analysis of EEG signals

2015-2016 Ms. Harsha A.

State Space Modeling of Commensurate Fractional Order Systems for EEG Analysis

2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas

Assertion Based Verification of SGMII IP core incorporating AXI Transaction Verification Model

2015-2016 Mr. Rony Antony P.

Rony Antony P, Anjana Mary," Design and Implementation of Double Precision Floating Point Comparator", Procd. Int.Conf on Global Colloquium in Recent Advancement and Effectual Researches in Engineering, Science and Technology (RAEREST 2016),ELSEVIER, Procedia

2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas

A SV-UVM framework for Verification of SGMII IP Core with reusable AXI to WB Bridge UVC

2015-2016 Ms. Swapna Davies

Fluorescent Noise Circumvention in Optical Wireless Communication

2015-2016 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Design and simulation of a micro-hotplate using COMSOL Multiphysics for MEMES based gas sensor

2015-2016 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Study for replacing PCIRE interface of the NVM controlle and host processor with RAPIDIO interface

2015-2016 Ms. Swapna Davies

System Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Optical Wireless networks

2015-2016 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

High Performance Adders and Multipliers for Floating point operations at proceedings of fifth international workshop on Advances in Computing and Communications,2015

2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas


2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas

WISHBONE Compatible Memory Slave

2015-2016 Mr. Anoop Thomas


2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

“Improved Techniques for Radar Clutter Minimization”International institute for research and development in engineering and management​, VOLUME 2 ISSUE 5 AUGUST-2015.

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

“ An imperceptible blind image watermarking scheme for image authentication using DNA encoding and multi-resolution wavelet decomposition” International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Volume 4, Issue 12 [August 2015] PP: 23-30

2015-2016 Dr. Jaison Jacob

“Fusion Rule for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio” Journal of Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing (CSSP), Springer ,Online:-vol.34, no.12,Dec. 2015 pp.1-15, (Impact factor 1.178).

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

A Comparative Study of Underwater Wireless Optical Communication for Three Different Communication Links IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), Volume 10, Issue 3, Ver. II (May - Jun.2015), PP 40-48.

2015-2016 Dr. Jaison Jacob

“Bayesian Analysis of spectrum occupancy prediction in Cognitive Radio ” Int. Journal, Smart Science ,May 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 52-61, Taylor & Francis publication. Indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index .

2015-2016 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

“A Planar UWB Antenna Design with Triple Band-Notches for WiMAX, WLAN and downlink of X-band satellite communications system”, TENCON 2015 - 2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-4 Nov. 2015, Macao, China, 10.1109/TENCON.2015.7373095

2015-2016 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

“Triple band reconfigurable dual patch antenna with multiband and wideband operation”, 2015 International Conference on Control, Communication & Computing, India (ICCC), 19-21 November 2015, CET Trivandrum, p. 437-441.

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

“Sonar Image Denoising using Adaptive Processing of Local Patches”,SYMPOL IEEE 2015.

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

“Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Sonar Images Using One Step Pixel Prediction” 2015 International Conference on Control, Communication & Computing India (ICCC) | 19-21 November 2015 | Trivandrum, IEEE 2015.

2015-2016 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Singleband Reflectarray Antenna using FR4 Substrate

2015-2016 Mr. Bonifus

"Implementation of FFT Butterfly Algorithm Using SMB Recoding Techniques" IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP) Volume 5, Issue 5, Ver. I (Sep - Oct. 2015), PP 00-00, e-ISSN: 2319 – 4200, p-ISSN No. : 2319 – 4197

2015-2016 Mr. Bonifus

Area Optimized Architecture for AES Mix Column Operation International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 4 Issue 09, September-2015

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

“A Comparative Study of Robust Blind Image Watermarking Scheme for Image Authentication Using DNA Encoding, Optimal Wavelet Basis & Discrete Wavelet Transform,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 9, September 2015

2015-2016 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

“Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) reduced mobile phone antenna designs”, Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, RSET, Cochin (ICACC 2015), p. 250-253.

2015-2016 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

” A cost effective hybrid log periodic dipole antenna”, Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, RSET, Cochin (ICACC 2015), p. 263-265.

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

“Design of Underwater wireless optical/acoustic link for reduction of back-scattering of transmitted light” The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES), Volume,4, Issue, 5 Pages, PP.61-68 , 2015

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

”Error analysis of Linear Fractional order system using step response” IWACC 2015

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

" Image Denoising using Adaptive PCA and SVD" Proceedings of Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications 2015

2015-2016 Dr. Rithu James

State space representation of Fractional-Order Low-Pass Filters "Proceedings of Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications 2015"

2014-2015 Mr. Naveen N.

Naveen N., Prijitha P., “Gradient and Luminance Similarity Based Image Quality Metric”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI-2015), 08th – 10th January, 2015, Coimbatore, INDIA.

2014-2015 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

Efficient Implementation of an ALU using Modified GDI technique in IJERT Conference Proceeding, Volume 3, Issue 5

2014-2015 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

High Efficiency All Terrain Exploratory Rover in IJERT Conference Proceeding, Volume 3, Issue 5

2014-2015 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

Single Precision Floating Point Co-processor for statistical Analysis in IJERT Conference Proceeding, Volume 3, Issue 5

2014-2015 Mr. Anoop Thomas

"Automated Fault Diagnosis in Multiple Inductive Loop detectors" at INDICON 2014 Annual IEEE conference,ISBN:-978-1-4799-5362-2

2014-2015 Dr. Jisa David

DDoS Attack Detection Using Fast Entropy Approach on Flow- based Network Traffic

2014-2015 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

NOC at Internation VLSI Conference

2014-2015 Mr. Naveen N.

Naveen N., Neethu Mohan, “DoA Estimation Using Compressive Sampled Orthogonal Array”, IEEE National Conference on Emerging Trends in VLSI, Embedded Systems, Opto - Electronics & Signal Processing (NCVOS 2015), 16th – 18th May 2015, Kochi, India.

2014-2015 Mr. Bonifus

Dual mode logic based adder for energy efficient, high performance CMOS structures

2014-2015 Dr. Tressa Michael

Single core OS design based on AUTOSAR for MPC5668G
2014 First International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC)

2014-2015 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

Design of graphics processing unit for image processing in IEEE proceedings of ICCSC 2014

2014-2015 Mr. Rony Antony P.

"Implementation of fast multiplier using modified Radix-4 booth algorithm with redundant binary adder for low energy applications ", IEEE,ICCSC 2014

2014-2015 Mr. Rony Antony P.

"VLSI design and comparative analysis of memory BIST controllers",IEEE,ICCSC 2014

2014-2015 Mr. Anoop Thomas

"Adaptive Filter for ECG Signal Processing using distributive arithmetic without look up table in FPGA",NCCME,2014,Conference Proceedings

2014-2015 Mr. Anoop Thomas

"Processor Design Using Energy Exposed Instruction Set Architecture",NCCME,2014,Conference Proceedings

2014-2015 Ms. Swapna Davies

PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT MODULATION TECHNIQUES FOR VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATION in International Conference in Association with Asia Pacific University Japan on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering and Technology ICRAIET 2015 at Ranganathan Engineering College, Coimbatore

2014-2015 Ms. Swapna Davies

ANALYSIS AND ENHANCEMENT OF INDOOR VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS in National Conference on Recent Innovations in Technology and Management RITAM 2014 held at Mount Zion College of Engineering, Pathanamthitta

2014-2015 Dr. Rithu James

Accepted paper for acc2015- state space representation of fractional order low pass filter

2014-2015 Dr. Rithu James

Accepted paper for acc2015 Image denoising using adaptive PCA and SVD

2014-2015 Mr. Anoop Thomas

"Efficient implementation of single precision floating point processor in FPGA" at AICERA/ICMMD , ISBN:-978-1-4799-5201-4

2014-2015 Mr. Naveen N.

Naveen N., Joffin Geroge, P.R. Madhava Panicker, “Manipulator Robot for Crack Detection and Welding in Underground Process Pipes”, International Conference on Magnetics, Machines & Drives (AICERA-2014 iCMMD), Amal Jyothi, Kottayam, 24th – 26th July, 2014.

2014-2015 Mr. Naveen N.

Naveen N., Praseetha C.P., “Depth Map from Stereo Images for Planetary Rovers”, National Conference on Communication & Signal Processing (CaSP – 14), GEC, Idukki, 26th – 28th March, 2014.

2014-2015 Mr. Naveen N.

Naveen N., Edwina Alias, Dominic Mathew, “A Novel Acoustic Fingerprint Method for Audio Signal Pattern Detection”, IEEE Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACCC 2014), RSET, Kochi, 27th – 29th August, 2014.

2014-2015 Mr. Anoop Thomas

"Realization of Image Processing Platform on ARM9 for Face recognition",ICACC,2014,RSET,ISBN:-978-1-4799-4364-7

2014-2015 Mr. Bonifus

Dual Mode Logic and Sleepy Stack: Design for Energy Efficient, High Performance and Leakage Reduced CMOS Structures

2014-2015 Mr. Bonifus

Implementation of Algorithm for Selection of Convenient Route for Blind Pedestrian On Raspberry Pi

2014-2015 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

NOC routers ICACC 2014

2014-2015 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

MEMS Design @COMSOL Conference.

2014-2015 Ms. Swapna Davies

FREE-SPACE OPTICAL NETWORKING USING THE SPECTRUM OF VISIBLE LIGHT in International Conference on Advance Research in Technology and Engineering ICARTE 2015 at Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore (Also selected to publish in the International Journal for Trends in Engineering and Technology IJTET)

2014-2015 Dr. Tressa Michael

A VLSI architecture for arrhythmia detection and its implementation on FPGA

2014-2015 Dr. Jisa David

Angle Based Facial Expression Recognition

2014-2015 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Jaicon J, Babita RJ, Jimson M. A Fuzzy Approach to Decision Fusion in Cognitive Radio. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014). Kochi. 2014.

2014-2015 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

Tessa Mathew and Deepti Das Krishna, "A triple band notched UWB antenna design for WiMax, WLAN and SATCOM applications", Proceedings of International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation APSYM 2014, pp 223-227

2014-2015 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

Muralikrishna Parekkat and Deepti Das Krishna, "On the Visualization of the Weaver’s “Third Method” for SSB Generation", IETE Journal of Education, DOI: 10.1080/09747338.2015.1050075

2014-2015 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Jaison J, Babita RJ, Jimson M. Spectrum Prediction In Cognitive Radio Networks : A Bayesian Approach. 8th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies (NGMAST-2014).Oxford , UK . 2014.

2013-2014 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

USB DMA Interface for debugging Video Application,IJERT Conference Proceeding,Volume 3,Issue 8

2013-2014 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

Area Efficient Implementation of AES using Vedic Mathematics,IJERT Conference Proceeding,Volume 3,Issue 8

2013-2014 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

Gas Tanker Safety System,IJERT Conference Proceeding,Volume 3,Issue 8

2013-2014 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

Design of a Graphic Processing Unit in Mobiles,IJERT Conference Proceeding,Volume 3,Issue 8

2013-2014 Mr. Dhanesh M. S.

FPGA based object tracking system for sequential images,IJERT Conference Proceeding,Volume 3,Issue 8

2013-2014 Mr. Rony Antony P.

“Implementation of Extended Open Core Protocol Interface Memory System using Verilog HDL ”, International Conference On Green Computing , Communication And Conservation of Energy (ICGCE 2013)

2013-2014 Dr. Jisa David

Angle Based Facial Expression Recognition

2013-2014 Mr. Rooha Razmid Ahamed

Low Power High Sensitivity CMOS Multivibrator Based Voltage to Frequency Convertor in 180nm

2013-2014 Mr. Rooha Razmid Ahamed

Optical Flow Motion Detection on Raspberry Pi

2013-2014 Dr. Jobin K. Antony

Low power high speed bypassing based multipliers with modified adders for DSP applications

2013-2014 Mr. Anoop Thomas

Priaz Madappallil, Jose Mathew, Able Eldhose, Anoop Thomas, "Different Power Quality Detection Algorithms Using Windowing Technique", Proceedings of International conference on Innovative trends in Electronics and Communication and Applications ICIECA 2013

2013-2014 Mr. Anoop Thomas

“Porting of operating system to friendly arm board”, Proceedings of IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACCC 2013) , Aug 29 – 31, 2013

2013-2014 Mr. Naveen N.

Soumya.RG, Naveen N., M. J. Lal, “Application of Adaptive Filter Using Adaptive Filter Line Enhancer Techniques”, IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACCC 2013) (Aug 29 – Aug 31).

2013-2014 Mr. Naveen N.

Pankaj Sagar, Likhin M, Abdul Nazer K. H., Naveen N., Asha Joseph, “Implementation of CMNN based Industrial Controller using VxWorks RTOS ported to MPC8260”, IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACCC 2013) (Aug 29 – Aug 31).

2013-2014 Mr. Jaison Varghese John

Quadrature detection methods for FM Demodulation

2013-2014 Dr. Tressa Michael

, “A VLSI architecture for arrhythmia Detection in biomedical application”,

2013-2014 Mr. Anoop Thomas

” Implementation of Radix 2 and Radix 22 FFT Algorithms on Spartan6 FPGA”, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication & Networking Technologies (ICCNT), July 4-6 ,2013

2013-2014 Mr. Naveen N.

Pankaj Sagar, Likhin M, Abdul Nazer K. H., Naveen N., Asha Joseph, “Design and Implementation of Cerebral Model Neural Network based Controller using VxWorks RTOS ported to MPC8260”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 2013

2013-2014 Mr. Delson Therambath Rajanbabu

Delson T"Multi Level Encryption and Decryption tool for Secure Adminisrator Login over the Network:, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Scopus Indexed Vol 7 (S4), 8-14, April 2014, ISSN:0974-6846

2013-2014 Dr. Deepti Das Krishna

Princy Maria Paul, Priya Annmary C., N. Sneha Mol Treesa, Sherry Ann Sacharias, Savya Joseph and Deepti Das Krishna, "Miniaturization of Square Patch Antenna using ComplementarySplit Ring Resonators ", 2013 Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, RSET, pp. 122 - 125, Aug 2013. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICACC.2013.31

2013-2014 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Decision Fusion in in Co-operative Spectrum Sensing: A Fuzzy Based Approach. International Workshop on Recent advances in Computing and Communications (AACW-2013). 2013:23-26.

2013-2014 Dr. Jaison Jacob

AHB DDR SDRAM Enhanced Memory Controller. In: International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS-2013). ; 2013.

2013-2014 Mr. Bonifus

RSA Encryption System Using Encoded Multiplier and Vedic Mathematics

2013-2014 Dr. Rithu James

Speckle reduction based on optimum multiresolution levels

2013-2014 Mr. Naveen N.

Pratheeka Paulose, Revathy R. Nair, Rose Maria Thomas, Shwetha D. Mallia, Naveen N, Pankaj Sagar, “Implementation of Modified Rice Algorithm based on Curve Fitting Techniques”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013.

2013-2014 Mr. Naveen N.

Renoh C Johnson, Veena Paul, Naveen N., Padmagireesan S J, “Comparison of Curvelet Generation 1 & Curvelet Generation 2 Transforms for Retinal Image Analysis”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 3 , Issue 6, June 2013.

2013-2014 Mr. Naveen N.

1. Soumya.RG, Naveen N., M.J.Lal, “Enhancement of Weak Sinusoidal Signals Using ALE Techniques”, IEEE International Conference on Global Challenges, Strategies and Solutions in Engineering, Business & Disaster Management (ICBDM – 2013), Nourul Islam University, Kumaracoil, March 2013.

2013-2014 Mr. Anoop Thomas

Gigin V George, Anoop Thomas, "High Performance Vedic Multiplier Using Han-Carlson Ader, International Journal of Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN:2278-0181, Vol.3 Issue 3, March 2014

2013-2014 Mr. Bonifus

ECC Encryption System Using Encoded Multiplier and Vedic Mathematics

2013-2014 Dr. Jaison Jacob

Cellular Automata Approach for a Low Power Fusion Center to Evaluate Spectrum Status and Coverage Area in Cognitive Radios. Journal of Low power Electronics. 2013;9(3):332-339.

2013-2014 Mr. Naveen N.

Naveen N., Nithya Francis, “Secret Fragment Visible Mosaic Image Using Genetic Algorithm”, WARSE Second International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Information (ICCEIT 2013), Spetember 20, Bangalore 2013.

2012-2013 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Analysis of iterative SIC in CDMA systems
• International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ACCT 12)

2011-2012 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Analysis of iterative SIC in CDMA systems
• The First International Conference on Computer Science & Information Technology (COSIT 2011), Venue : Royal Orchid Central, Bangalore, India

2010-2011 Ms. Deepthy G. S.

Analysis of SIC in CDMA systems
• International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC 2010)