Research Groups


Research Group

Research Focus



Communication Systems

Communication systems group   focuses on teaching, learning & research activities in the area of telecommunication engineering.  The group is primarily involved in:

  • Curriculum development & delivery to bridge the gap between the current syllabus and the requirement of industry. 
  • Offer & guide student projects in the area of telecommunication.
  • Carry out research in the emerging area of telecommunication such as smart antenna design, secure wireless communication, THz Communication Systems, Software defined networks, Cognitive radio, etc. 
  • Development of labs to cater the needs of teaching and research.

1.  Dr. Jaison Jacob
2.  Dr. Jayanthi V.S.   
3.  Ms. Deepthy G.S.
4.  Ms. Mariya Vincent 
5.  Ms. Preethi Bhaskaran
6.  Ms. Rinju Mariam Rolly
7.  Ms. S. Santhi Jabarani
8. Ms. Shyama
9. Ms. Swapna Davies
10. Mr. Jaison Jacob


Signal Processing

Focuses on audio and image processing, biomedical signal processing, radar signal processing etc. Student projects in the area of signal processing are guided by the members of this group. This group aims to get industry collaboration for students such as training, workshops, talks, etc. in the field of signal processing. Group members also work together to get new funded projects from various funding agencies in the area of signal processing.

1.   Ms. Harsha A.
2.   Dr. Sabna N.
3.   Dr. Rithu James
4.   Dr. Jisa David
5.   Ms. Neethu Radha   
6.   Ms. Anila Kuriakose
7.   Ms. Ramitha Rajesh
8.   Ms.  Jasmin Sebastin
9. Mr. Naveen N.
10. Mr. Abhishek


VLSI and Embedded Systems

The VAES group focusses on the research and development of VLSI circuits as well as the embedded product design. Master's program in VLSI and Embedded system is completely monitored and guided by this research group. The research group supervises B.Tech and M.Tech student projects and conducts continuous evaluation of the same. Few of the research areas:

  • Hardware accelerators for AI
  • Sensor fusion for Autonomous Vehicles
  • IoT for AV
  • VLSI CAD design
  • Embedded Product Design
  • Monitors for RISC V processors


  • Dr. Jobin K Antony
  • Mr. Ajai V Babu
  • Mr. Anoop Thomas
  • Mr. Karunakara P Menon
  • Dr. Simi Zerine Sleeba
  • Mr. Kiran K A
  • Mr. Bonifus P L
  • Mr. Dhanesh M S
  • Ms. Tressa Michael
  • Mr. Nitheesh Kurian
  • Mr. Rony P Antony