HoD’s Message

Welcome to the Department of Information Technology at Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology (RSET) – Autonomous, Kochi, Kerala.
The Department of Information Technology prepares future educators, researchers, and engineers by involving them in a variety of research activities ranging from the development of fundamental knowledge about computational processes to the creation of novel applications that benefit society as a whole. The courses offered are B.Tech - Information Technology, M.Tech - Networking Engineering, M.Tech – Data Sciences and Ph.D. To maintain a high standard of education, the Department offers extracurricular and co-curricular activities along with add-on courses in addition to the academic syllabi to ensure that the students are well-prepared to deal with changing industry trends. Since its founding in 2000, the department has been dedicated to producing top-tier IT professionals with the abilities required for success in today's highly competitive and rapidly evolving IT industry. The alumni of the Department occupy high positions in industry and academia, in India and abroad.
Department is equipped with highly qualified and dedicated faculty and technical staff. Seven of the twenty faculty have earned a Ph.D., while the rest 90% are nearing completion. Almost every member of the team has published research articles in a variety of conferences and journals. Faculty and technical employees are encouraged to attend refresher courses/short-term training programs regularly to keep their knowledge up to date. With its highly skilled professionals, the Department of Information Technology is quickly becoming a premier learning and research center in the growing disciplines of IT and IT-enabled services.

Dr. Ranju S Kartha
Ph.D, M.tech
Email hod_it@rajagiritech.edu.in 


“ Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. ” – Malcolm X