Patents & Copyrights

  1. The Registrar of Patents, Republic of South Africa has published a patent on October 26, 2022.
    Patent Number:- 2022/08673
    Title of invention: - A Device for Fabricating (FA)2BiCuI6 based Perovskite Solar Cells
    Name and Address of patentee(s):-
    1) Dr. Deepthi Jayan K., Assistant Professor, DBSH
  2. Status of Patent: Published

  3. German Utility Patent on January 12, 2021.
    Patent Number:- 202021106579
    Title of invention: - A system for synthesizing a high-performance hybrid supercapacitive material
  4. Name and Address of patentee(s):-
    1) Dr. Anju C., Assistant Professor, DBSH
    2) Dr. Shiny Palatty, Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Bharata Mata College
    Status of Patent: Published

  5. The Copyright Office, Govt. of India has approved a copyright on August 28, 2021.
    Registration No: L-107022/2021
    Title of work: Pallikkutam Pedagogy for Entrepreneurial Education.
    Name and address of applicant:
    1) Dr.-Ing. Varghese Panthalookaran, Professor, DBSH
    Status of Copyright: Approved