Faculty Publication

Year Name of Faculty Title of the Paper-Conference/Journal Details
2025-2026 Ms. Seema Safar

Enriching Aspect-Based Recommendation System using Social Relation-Item Interaction
Journal of Information Science and Engineering

2025-2026 Dr. Jisha G.

Enhanced Weather Prediction with Feature Engineered, Time Series Cross Validated Ridge Regression Model
2024 Control Instrumentation System Conference (CISCON)

2024-2025 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Enhancing Traffic Control Strategies through Dynamic Simulation and Reinforcement Learning
Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC)

2024-2025 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Dynamic Landslide Prediction, Monitoring, and Early Warning with Explainable AI: A Comprehensive Approach
Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC

2024-2025 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Motion Tolerant Finger Vein Authentication using Deep Learning Techniques
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering.

2024-2025 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Enhancing Finger Vein Authentication through Deep Learning: A Comparative Study of U-Net and Sequential Models
Journal of Advanced Research in AppliedSciencesand Engineering Technology

2024-2025 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive Clustering For Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks
2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)

2024-2025 Dr. Jisha G.

Stacked LSTM for Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (MRMR) Feature Selection
Trends in Engineering Systems and Technologies (ICTEST), International Conference on

2024-2025 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

QGen: Automated Question Paper Generator
2024 5th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT), IEEE Xplore conference proceedings

2024-2025 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Interactive Chatbot with AI Support for Universities: Enhancing Student Engagement and Administrative Efficiency
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications

2024-2025 Ms. Jomina John

Trust value evaluation of cloud service providers using fuzzy inference based analytical process
Scientific Reports( Q1 journal)

2024-2025 Dr. Preetha K. G.

An Energy Efficiency Optimization for Uplink Communication in IEEE 802.11ah Under Restricted Access Window
Wireless Personal Communications

2024-2025 Dr. Jisha G.

Enhanced Weather Prediction with Feature Engineered, Time Series Cross Validated Ridge Regression Model
2024 Control Instrumentation System Conference (CISCON)

2024-2025 Ms. Jomina John

Predictive digital twin driven trust model for cloud service providers with Fuzzy inferred trust score calculation
Journal of cloud computing

2024-2025 Dr. Preetha K. G.

An interactive visualization tool for the exploration and analysis of multivariate ocean data
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2024-2025 Dr. Anita John

Exploring Diverse Configurations of Cellular Automata Based S-Boxes Using Reinforcement Learning
International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry

2024-2025 Ms. Liya Joseph

An Efficient Approach for EEG Seizure Detection using CNN with Feature Extraction

2024-2025 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Epileptic Seizure Localization from EEG Signals
Computer Research and Development

2024-2025 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Improved Finger Vein Recognition Using Generative Adversarial Network and Transfer Learning
Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics

2024-2025 Ms. Meenu Mathew

Phrase-level emotion intensity detection of text using lexicon-based unit circle and pipelined neural networks approaches
Neural computing and applications

2024-2025 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Advancing explainable MOOC recommendation systems: a morphological operations-based framework on partially ordered neutrosophic fuzzy hypergraphs
Artificial Intelligence Review

2024-2025 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

Face Generation and Recognition in Forensic Science
2024 11th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC)

2023-2024 Dr. P Sojan Lal

Ontology and crow optimization-based deep belief network for privacy preservation of medical data
Journal of Engineering Research

2023-2024 Dr. Anita John

Hash Function Design Based on Hybrid Five Neighbourhood Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions
Complex Systems

2023-2024 Ms. Seema Safar

Enriching Aspect-based Recommendation system using social relation-item interaction
Journal of Information Science and Engineering

2023-2024 Dr. Preetha K. G.

An Intelligent Pattern Matching approach with Deep Hypersphere Model for Secure Big Data Storage in Cloud Environment
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications.

2023-2024 Dr. Preetha K. G.

A Python Framework for Interactive 3D Visualization of Ocean Data
International Conference on Soft Computing and Signal Processing

2023-2024 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

A Novel Framework for Real-Time Fire Detection in CCTV Videos Using a Hybrid Approach of Motion-Flicker Detection, Colour Detection and YOLOv7
2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) 19-21 July 2023

2023-2024 Dr. Jisha G.

Analysing the geographical impact on short-term solar irradiance forecasting using univariate and multivariate time series models
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects

2023-2024 Dr. Preetha K. G.

A Python-based Tool for the Generation of T-S Plot to Determine Water Masses in the World Ocean
2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC) has been posted to the IEEE Xplore digital library effective 2024-04-18.

2023-2024 Ms. Jomina John

Vulnerability scanning and analysis tool
International conference on smart computing and communications

2023-2024 Dr. Jisha G.

SExpSMA-based T5: Serial exponential-slime mould algorithm based T5 model for question answer and distractor generation
Intelligent Decision Technologies

2023-2024 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

QGEN: Automated Question Paper Generator
to be published

2023-2024 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

Memory Lane: Enhanced Learning Using AI-Driven Storytelling
2024 5th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT)

2023-2024 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

Applications of Clustering in Cognitive Radio Networks
International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication Engineering and Network Technologies (CENT 2023)

2023-2024 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

FESSARec: Explaining Course Recommendations using Fuzzy Expert System and Self-Attention
International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies

2023-2024 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Protection of online images against theft using robust multimodal biometric watermarking and T-Norms
Multimedia Tools and Applications

2023-2024 Ms. Jomina John

A comprehensive survey of malware detection approaches in cloud computing environments
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

2023-2024 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Fractal dimension of protein–protein interactions: a tool for cancer protein identification
Current Science

2022-2023 Dr. Anita John

A Cellular Automata Based Fault Resistant MICKEY-Like Stream Cipher
15th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2022, Geneva, Switzerland

2022-2023 Dr. Anita John

Fault Resistant Trivium-like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata.
Journal of Cellular Automata

2022-2023 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Concatenated Xception-ResNet50 - A novel hybrid approach for accurate skin cancer prediction
Computers in Biology and Medicine

2022-2023 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Augmenting the detection of online image theft using diagonal transformation and iris biometric watermarking
Int. J. Information and Computer Security,

2022-2023 Dr. Preetha K. G.

DeepPRS: A Deep Learning Integrated Pattern Recognition Methodology for Secure Data in Cloud Environment
Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2022)

2022-2023 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Price Forecasting on a Large Scale Data Set using Time Series and Neural Network Models
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

2022-2023 Mr. Sebin Jose

A survey on identification of influential users in social media networks using bio inspired algorithms

2022-2023 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

A Survey on Consensus Algorithms in Blockchain Based on Post Quantum Cryptosystems
5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE), 2022

2022-2023 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Finger Vein image labelling using hybrid algorithm
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Concepts

2022-2023 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Real-time sign language recognition and speech conversion using VGG16
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics

2022-2023 Dr. Jisha G.

Solar Irradiance Prediction using Deep Learning-Based Approaches

2022-2023 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

Malayalam Natural Language Processing: Challenges in Building a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation System
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing

2022-2023 Dr. Preetha K. G.

SPOTLIGHT: A Mobile Application for Artist Management
Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications

2022-2023 Dr. Tripti C

Cosine Similarity Based Group Movie Recommendation Scheme Considering Privacy of Users
Applications and Techniques in information security (ATIS 2022)

2022-2023 Mr. Paul Augustine

Proceedings of ARSSS International Conference

2022-2023 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

IoT Based Smart Parking System
International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India (ICCC)

2022-2023 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

IoT Based Smart Parking System
2023 International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC)

2022-2023 Ms. Meenu Mathew

Weighted Pooling RoBERTa for Effective Text Emotion Detection
2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)

2022-2023 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Hybrid Model to Detect Pneumothorax Using Double U-Net with Segmental Approach
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications- 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2022) Held December 12-14, 2022 - Volume 3

2022-2023 Dr. Uma Narayanan

A Novel and Dynamic S-Box for Improving the Security of Audio and Video for Various Crypto - Applications
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

2022-2023 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Biometric watermarking: an application-based review
International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity

2022-2023 Dr. Jisha G.

Time series prediction of personalized insulin dosage for type 2 diabetics
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2022-2023 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

Astrengthened eCK secure identity based authenticated key agreement protocol based on the standard CDH assumption
Information and Computation, Elsevier

2022-2023 Ms. Seema Safar

A Comparative Analysis of Image Captioning Techniques
2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET)

2022-2023 Ms. Seema Safar

Enriching Transformer using Fourier Transform for Image Captioning
2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT)

2021-2022 Ms. Liya Joseph

• Detection of Rooftop Regions in Rural Areas Using Support Vector Machine
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology

2021-2022 Dr. Uma Narayanan

A novel approach to big data analysis using deep belief network for the detection of android malware
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2021-2022 Dr. Uma Narayanan

A Light Weight Encryption Over Big Data In Information Stockpiling On Cloud
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2021-2022 Dr. Uma Narayanan

A Novel System Architecture for Secure Authentication and Data Sharing in Cloud enabled Big Data Environment
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

2021-2022 Dr. Uma Narayanan

Decentralized blockchain based authentication for secure data sharing in Cloud-IoT
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC)

2021-2022 Mr. Sebin Jose

Social Distance Monitoring Using Drone

2021-2022 Mr. Sebin Jose

A Novel Model to Overcome Drawbacks of Present Cloud Storage Models using AES 256 CBC Encryption

2021-2022 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Survey and Analysis on AI Based Phishing Detection Techniques
2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc)

2021-2022 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

Data Visualization and Predictive Analysis for Smart Healthcare: Tool for a Hospital
2021 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP)

2021-2022 Dr. Preetha K. G.

An Energy Efficient Intelligent Method for Sensor Node Selection to Improve the Data Reliability in Internet of Things Networks

2021-2022 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Introducing HPC and Related Technologies Education in a Higher Education Institute in India
Review of International Geographical Education

2021-2022 Dr. Tripti C

An Enhancement for IEEE 802.11p to Provision Quality of Service with Context Aware Channel Access for the Forward Collision Avoidance Application in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

2021-2022 Mr. Paul Augustine

A Comparison on Instance Segmentation Models
IEEE Xplore

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Strengthening Security of Images Using Dynamic S-Boxes for Cryptographic applications
Fourth International Conference onMicroelectronics, Signals & Systems

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Real Time Proximity Sensin Module for Social Distancing and Disease Spread Tracking
Smart Computing Techniques and Applications

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Context Based Searching in Cloud Data for Improved Precision of Search Results

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Impact of Optimized Value for Relative

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Enhancing Security in Digital Data using various Function of S-Box in Data Encryption Standard Method

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Towards Detecting Flooding DDOS Attacks Over Software Defined Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques

2021-2022 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

Comorbidity Based Risk Prediction System for ARDS in COVID-19 Patients
International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, ICACC

2021-2022 Ms. Amitha Mathew

E-Quarantine: Remote Real Time Monitoring of COVID-19 patients
ICACC 2021

2021-2022 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Deep learning network architecture using evolutionary algorithms
International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence – Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Emerging Challenges, Research and Opportunities (ICAI-2022)

2021-2022 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Performance study of various Text Classification Algorithms and its Applications: An Analysis
Intelligent Computing in Information Technology for Engineering System

2021-2022 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Virtual Fitting Room using Augmented Reality Techniques
Intelligent Computing in Information Technology for Engineering System

2021-2022 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

A Provably Secure Identity Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol with Multiple PKG Compatibility for Inter-Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science

2021-2022 Dr. Anita John

A Novel Hash Function Based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions
First Asian Symposium on Cellular Automata Technology

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Challenges, Security Mechanisms and Research Areas in IOT and IioT

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

Decentralized Blockchain based Authentication for Secure Data Sharing in Cloud-IoT

2021-2022 Dr. Preetha K. G.

'Design and Implementation of an Augmented Reality Mobile Application for navigating ATM counters (AR-ATM)'
Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application

2021-2022 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Secure Storage and Retrieval of Electronic Health Records
2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS)

2021-2022 Dr. Varghese Paul

An Effective Mechanism for the Secure Transmission of Medical Images using Compression and Public Key Encryption Mechanism

2020-2021 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Practical Analysis of Representative Models in Classifier: A Review
AIDE-2019 International Conference On Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering May 23-24, 2019

2020-2021 Ms. Anjusree V.K.

Face Depth Estimation and 3D Reconstruction
Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications (ACCTHPA)

2020-2021 Ms. Anjusree V.K.

Eye Movement Classification Using CNN
Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications (ACCTHPA)

2020-2021 Ms. Sreedevi T R

Digital Twin in Smart Farming: A Categorical Literature Review And Exploring Possibilities in Hydroponics
IEEE International Conference on "Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Perfomance Applications

2020-2021 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Efficient Abandoned Luggage Detection in Complex Surveillance Videos

2020-2021 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Journal of Critical Reviews (Scopus)

2020-2021 Dr. Preetha K. G.

An Effcient, Automatic Abandoned Luggage Detection using DenseNet for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems
International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (ESCI)

2020-2021 Dr. Tripti C

An enhanced synchronized multi-channel MAC scheme to improve throughput in VANET
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security

2020-2021 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

Cognitive Radio Networks: Recent Advances in Spectrum Sensing Techniques and Security
International conference on Smart Electronics and Communication 2020: (ICOSEC 2020)

2020-2021 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

An efficient eCK secure identity based Two Party Authenticated Key Agreement scheme with security against active adversaries
Information and Computation, Elsevier

2020-2021 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Iris Recognition using Integer Wavelet Transform and Log Energy Entropy

2020-2021 Mr. Paul Augustine

Journal named “Automatic Detection of Helmet and Non- Helmet Motorcycle” International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET)

2020-2021 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Audio Watermarking Schemes: A Comparative Analysis Audio watermarking schemes : A comparative analysis
International Journal of Engineering and Management SciencesWebsite: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.009July 2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.009

2020-2021 Dr. Anita John

PENTAVIUM: Potent Trivium-Like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata.
The 14th International Conference and School Cellular Automata for Research and Industry. Univerity of Lodz, Poland

2020-2021 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

Reinforcement Learning based Clustering Algorithm for Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks
International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems - ICCIS 2020

2020-2021 Ms. Seema Safar

Emotion Recognition-Based Mental Healthcare Chat-bots: A Survey
Elseveir: SSRN

2020-2021 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Intelligent Exploration of Negative Interaction from Protein-Protein Interaction Network and its Application in Healthcare
Psychology and Education Journal

2020-2021 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Short-Term Passenger Count Prediction for Metro Stations using LSTM Network
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education

2020-2021 Dr. Preetha K. G.

A Fuzzy rule- based Abandoned Object Detection using Image Fusion for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education

2020-2021 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Graph centrality of BRCA1 in Protein-Protein Interaction network: An Overview
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education

2020-2021 Ms. Anjusree V.K.

Automatic Image Tagging In Autonomous Vehicles
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews

2020-2021 Ms. Anjusree V.K.

A Review of IFM Free and IFM based methods for underwater Imaging
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research

2020-2021 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Fingerprint core point detection using Connected Component approach and Orientation map Edge Tracing approach
International Journal of Biometrics

2020-2021 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Recommendation Systems : A comparative analysis of Deep learning and classical approaches
8th International Conference on Smart computing and Communications

2020-2021 Dr. Anita John

A Novel Hash Function Based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions.
First Asian Symposium on Cellular Automata Technology. ASCAT 2022

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

Decentralized blockchain based authentication for secure data sharing in Cloud-IoT
"Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing "

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

A Highly Non-Linear And Robust Dynamic S-Box Forcryptographic Applications
"Journal:Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology Volume:17 Issue:7 Pages:5361-5373"

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

Impact of Optimized Value for Relative Humidity at Cathode in PEMFC for Improved Stack Performance
"Book:Advances in Communication and Computational Technology Pages:1145-1151 Publisher:Springer, Singapore"

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

Context Based Searching in Cloud Data for Improved Precision of Search Results
"Book:Proceedings of Research and Applications in Artificial Intelligence Pages:277-285 Publisher:Springer, Singapore"

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

Strengthening Security of Images Using Dynamic S-Boxes for Cryptographic Applications
"Published in: 2021 Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Signals & Systems (ICMSS) Date of Conference: 18-19 Nov. 2021 INSPEC Accession Number: 21573218 "

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

An Effective Mechanism for the Secure Transmission of Medical Images Using Compression and Public Key Encryption Mechanism
"Book:Smart Computing Techniques and Applications Pages:317-325 Publisher: Springer, Singapore"

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

Real-Time Proximity Sensing Module for Social Distancing and Disease Spread Tracking
"Book:Smart Computing Techniques and Applications Pages:415-424 Publisher:Springer, Singapore"

2020-2021 Dr. Varghese Paul

Towards Detecting Flooding DDOS Attacks Over Software Defined Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques
"Revista Geintec-Gestao Inovacao E Tecnologias Volume:11 Issue:4 Pages:3837-3865 "

2019-2020 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Fuzzy Mapping Model For Classification In Supervised Learning
TENCON 2019,17-20 October, 2019

2019-2020 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Audio watermarking Schemes : A comparative Analysis
International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Science

2019-2020 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Message Moderation Chatbot
3rd International Conference on Advanced Scientific innovation in Science Engineering and Technology-2020

2019-2020 Mr. Harikrishnan M

Survey on Different Music Recommendation Techniques
3rd International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICASISET 2020)

2019-2020 Mr. Sandy Joseph

Review on Securing Medical Big Data in Healthcare Cloud
2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)

2019-2020 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Fuzzy Mapping Model For Classification In Supervised Learning,Angela Mathew and Sangeetha Jamal, Presented in TENCON 2019,17-20 October, 2019 ,Hotel Grand Hyatt, Kochi, Kerala

2019-2020 Dr. Preetha K. G.

. Reduction of Overhead in Routing Protocols for MANET, Using Fuzzy Set Based Decision Making
International Journal of Virtual and Network Organizations, Inderscience - Scopus Indexed. 2019;21(1).

2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS

A computer vision based approach to detect fake images
International Journal of Imaging and Robotics

2019-2020 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Efficient Abandoned Luggage Detection in Complex Surveillance Videos
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies- Springer

2019-2020 Ms. Amitha Mathew

A review on finger vein recognition using deep learning technique
National Conference on Machine Learning and Its Applications

2019-2020 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Practical Analysis of Representative Models in Classifier: A Review,Angela Mathew and Sangeetha Jamal,AIDE-2019 International Conference On Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering May 23-24, 2019 N.M.A.M Institute Of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka, INDIA.

2019-2020 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

Verb Phrases Alignment Technique for English-Malayalam Parallel Corpus in Statistical Machine Translation Special issue on MTIL 2017
Journal of Intelligent Systems, De Gruyter

2019-2020 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Deep Learning Techniques: An Overview
International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications

2019-2020 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

An approach to optimize the link Predicted in Protein Networks using Minimum Strong Edge-Edge Domination Set
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS’20)

2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS


2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS

A review on image synthesis

2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS

Automated Surveillance on Roads for Helmet Detection and Number plate Detection

2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS

A review on image captioning and speech synthesis

2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS

A review on text to face image synthesis

2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS

Image to text and Text to speech synthesis

2019-2020 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Effect of community structures in protein–protein interaction network in cancer protein identification
Current Science, Published by Indian Academy of Sciences, SCI Indexed

2019-2020 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

Machine learning approach to suffix separation on a sandhi rule annotated malayalam data set
South Asia Research, SAGE Publications

2019-2020 Ms. Meharban MS

Generative Adversarial networks:Areview

2019-2020 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

An Efficient eCK Secure Certificateless Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme with Security Against Public Key Replacement Attacks
Journal of information security and applications

2019-2020 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

A methodology for Short-term Electric Power Load Forecasting
International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications 2019 (ICACC-2019)

2019-2020 Mr. Uday Babu P

Cloud based Petrol Pump Blacklisting using IoT
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering ( IJATCSE ), Volume 9, No. 1.3 (2020), SI (Special Issue), Scopus Indexed Journal, ISSN 2278 - 3091

2019-2020 Dr. Varghese Paul

PVW: An Efficient Dynamic Symmetric Cipher to Enable End-to-End Secure Communication
In book: Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (pp.329-338)

2019-2020 Dr. Varghese Paul

A light weight encryption over big data in information stockpiling on cloud
"Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 17(1):389 "

2019-2020 Dr. Varghese Paul

Multi-Soft Set Based Approach for Rule based Classification Using Sequential Covering Algorithm
"2020 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications (ACCTHPA) Pages 34-42 Publisher IEEE "

2019-2020 Dr. Varghese Paul

A novel approach to big data analysis using deep belief network for the detection of android malware
"Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 16(3):1447 "

2019-2020 Dr. Varghese Paul

A Novel System Architecture for Secure Authentication and Data Sharing in Cloud Enabled Big Data Environment
"Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences "

2019-2020 Dr. Varghese Paul

Soft Set Theory-A Novel Soft Computing Tool for Data Mining
"International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Volume:15 Issue:11 Pages:1052-1058"

2019-2020 Dr. Varghese Paul

Soft Set Based Approach For Mining Frequent Itemsets
"International Organization On'technical And Physical Problems Of Engineering' Volume:12 Issue:4 Pages:50-56 Scopus"

2018-2019 Shimmi A

Modelling and Verification of the FlexRay Startup Mechanism using UPPAAL Model Checker
8th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2018

2018-2019 Ms. Jomina John

Major Vulnerabilities and their prevention methods in cloud computing
Advances in Intelligent systems and computing

2018-2019 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Fuzzy Decision-Based Reliable Link Prediction Routing in MANET Using Belief Propagation.
Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics- Springer Publication- Scopus. 2018.

2018-2019 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Reversible Image Watermarking: A review
International Journal of Scientific research in Science, Engineering and Technology

2018-2019 Dr. Tripti C

Data Anonymization for Privacy Preservation in Big Data
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

2018-2019 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Breast cancer detection in mammogram using fuzzy c-means and random forest classifier
International Journal of Scientific research in Science, Engineering and Technology

2018-2019 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

A forward secure signcryption scheme with ciphertext authentication for e-payment systems using conic curve cryptography
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences

2018-2019 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

An Efficient Forward Secure Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Ciphertext Authentication Based on Two Hard Problems
Advances in Big Data and Cloud Computing

2018-2019 Dr. Anita John

CARPenter:A Cellular Automata Based Resilient Pentavalent Stream Cipher.
Cellular Automata-13th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2018, Como, Italy

2018-2019 Dr. Jisha G.

Dual Sentimental Analysis on Product Review
International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI). (UGC Approved)

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

An Efficient Algorithm for Polyalphabetic Substitution using Random Tables
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration 5.43 (2018): pp 124-133

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Intelligent Agents in Securing Internet
Journal of Internet Technology 19.3 (2018): pp 753-763.

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Automatic Segmentation and Classification in Cervical Cancer Images: Evaluation and Challenges
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Scopus Indexed Vol. 119, No. 12,pp. 12549-12560.

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

An Efficient Algorithm for Polyalphabetic Substitution using Infinite Number of Alphabetical Tables
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 4 (2018).

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Designing an intelligent controller for improving PEM fuel cell efficiency
"Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems ACIIDS 2019: Intelligent Information and Database Systems: Recent Developments pp 387?395 "

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Content based image retrieval using deep learning process
"Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4187-4200 Publisher:Springer US Impact Factor: 1.809 " "Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4187-4200 Publisher:Springer US Impact Factor: 1.809 " "Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4187-4200 Publisher:Springer US Impact Factor: 1.809 " "Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4187-4200 Publisher:Springer US Impact Factor: 1.809 " "Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4187-4200 Publisher:Springer US Impact Factor: 1.809 " "Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4187-4200 Publisher:Springer US Impact Factor: 1.809 ""Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4187-4200 Publisher:Springer US Impact Factor: 1.809 "

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Handsoff Delay Optimisation using Hybrid Prediction Model
International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing,Vol 6, No.2, 2018.

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Reducing the Frequent Switch Over between the Base Stations through Continuous Analysis of Signal Strength
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ISSN:2249-0701 Vol.7 No.1, 2018, pp. 99-103

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher Using Multiple Random Table
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 6 (5), 2018.

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Abnormality Recognition and Feature Extraction in Female Pelvic Ultrasound Imaging
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. Elsevier, Scopus Indexed, Vol. 13, pp. 133?138.

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Performance analysis of artificial intelligent controllers in PEM fuel cell voltage tracking
"Journal:Cluster Computing Volume:22 Issue:2 Pages:4443-4455 Publisher:Springer US"

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

A novel optimized classifier for the loan repayment capability prediction system
"Conference 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) Publisher:IEEE "

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Analysis of Novel Recommendation Engine Based on Simulated Annealing Based Clustering
"2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) 27-29 March 2019 2019 ISBN Information: "

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Mathematical modelling of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell and fuzzy-based intelligent controllers for performance enhancement
"Journal:Computers & Electrical Engineering Volume:77; Pages:354-365; Publisher:Pergamon "

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Secure brain-to-brain communication with edge computing for assisting post-stroke paralyzed patients
"Journal:IEEE Internet of Things Journal Volume:7 Issue:4; Pages:2531-2538"

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

A secure and efficient lightweight symmetric encryption scheme for transfer of text files between embedded IoT devices. Symmetry 1?21
Symmetry 2019, 11(2), 293;

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

An imperceptible spatial domain color image watermarking scheme
"Information Sciences Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2019, Pages 125-133 Impact Factor=6.795"

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

Secure thought transfer and processing using novel-T algorithm

2018-2019 Dr. Varghese Paul

An efficient algorithm for polyalphabetic substitution using infinite number of alphabetical tables
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 4 (2018) Spl. ? Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

2017-2018 Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty

Automated Surveillance System for Infection Control
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

2017-2018 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Named Entity Recognition in Sanskrit: A Survey, Joseph Mickole James and Sangeetha Jamal, Published in International journal of pure and applied mathematics June,2018(SCOPUS indexed)

2017-2018 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

CONFERENCE PAPER-IEEE ICICCS 2018.-Deep Learning Techniques in Computational Linguistics

2017-2018 Ms. Meharban MS

Application of Content Based Image Retrieval

2017-2018 Mr. Harikrishnan M

A Survey on Spoofing Detection Techniques using Biometrics

2017-2018 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

CONFERENCE PAPER-NCILC 2018-An Attempt to Develop an Author Identification System for Malayalam Text Documents

2017-2018 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

CONFERENCE PAPER-NCILC2018-Exploring Semantic Similarities of Malayalam Words Using Word Embeddings

2017-2018 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

A review on pre-processing with segmentation of medical images using image processing, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication

2017-2018 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Preetha, K. G., and A. Unnikrishnan. "Enhanced domination set based routing in mobile ad hoc networks with reliable nodes." Computers & Electrical Engineering 64 (2017): 595-604. SCIE

2017-2018 Dr. Preetha K. G.

4) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Fuzzy Decision Based Reliable Link Prediction Routing in MANET Using Belief Propagation”, Accepted in ICCII 2017, Springer, Scopus.

2017-2018 Dr. Preetha K. G.

2) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Reduction of Overhead in Routing Protocols for MANET, Using Fuzzy Set Based Decision Making”, Accepted in International Journal of Virtual and Network Organizations, Inderscience, Scopus

2017-2018 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Preetha, K.G. and Unnikrishnan, A., 2017, July. Enhancing the performance of routing protocol in MANET by predicting the link availability through belief propagation. In IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2017 (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

2017-2018 Ms. Asha Raj

Techniques used in automatic emotion recognition from eeg signals: a review

2017-2018 Mr. Harikrishnan M

Cheque Image Security Enhancement in Online Banking

2017-2018 Dr. Tripti C

Tripti, C and Manoj, R (2017) "An asynchronous multi-channel MAC for improving channel utilization in VANET." In: International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications, Kakkanad, Kochi, INDIA.

2017-2018 Mr. Harikrishnan M

Biometric Authentication and Template Protection using Visual Cryptography and Watermarking

2017-2018 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

A novel image theft identification using biometric feature, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (Scopus indexed), April 2017

2017-2018 Ms. Meenu Mathew

A review on identification of protein complexes in PPI
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,Vol 6,pg 909-913,April 2018.

2017-2018 Dr. Sivaram M

“ Integer wavelet transform based approach for high robustness of audio signal transmission

2017-2018 Ms. Jomina John

Major vulnerabilities and their prevention meth-ods in cloud computing

2017-2018 Ms. Meenu Mathew

Distributed Document Clustering :A Review
51st International Conference on Latest Researches in Engineering, Science and Management,IOSRD

2017-2018 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez

Reversible Image Watermarking: A Review, International Journal of Scientific research in science, engineering and technology, Vol. 4. No. 4, pp. 738-746, March 2018

2017-2018 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

Journal of Intelligent Systems-Verb Phrases Alignment Technique for English-Malayalam Parallel Corpus in Statistical Machine Translation Special issue on MTIL 2017

2017-2018 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Video Anomaly Detection in Confined Areas

2017-2018 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Flowchart Plagiarism Detection System: An Image Processing Approach ,Jithin S Kuruvila, Midhun Lal V L, Rejin Roy, Tomin Baby, Sangeetha Jamal, Sherly K K,Published in ScienceDirect,Procedia Computer Science 115 (2017) 533–540

2017-2018 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Electricity Load Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network By Back Propagation

2017-2018 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

Analysis of hierarchical identity based encryption schemes and its applicability to computing environments
Journal of information security and applications

2016-2017 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Tracking location of medicinal plants in dense forest using image processing : A comparative analysis. Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative research. 2016.

2016-2017 Dr. Jisha G.

Maintaining connectivity of mobile nodes using MANET gateway nodes

2016-2017 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Preetha KG, Anjana K P,Cooperative Judgement Based Intrusion detection system for Wireless Ad hoc Networks,National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Coputing and Informatics

2016-2017 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Preetha KG, Jeeva Susan Jacob,A Network Selction scheme for 4G communication Systems Using Muti level Optimization Techniques, National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Coputing and Informatics

2016-2017 Ms. Diya Thomas


2016-2017 Ms. Diya Thomas

Multi level Privacy Preserving in Medical Data Publishing,Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies - ACT 2016

2016-2017 Dr. Jisha G.

Integrated MANET Routing Scheme for Heterogeneous Networks

2016-2017 Dr. Jisha G.

Design and Analysis of Virtualized Wireless Sensor Network in Internet Of Thing (IOT).

2016-2017 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Identifying Negative Interactions in Protein-Protein Interaction Network Using Weak Edge-edge Domination Set

2016-2017 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

QUESTION ANSWERING SYSTEM WITH REPEATED QUESTION IDENTIFICATION. Maria Vijoy and Sangeetha Jamal. Published in International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 7,DOI:10.21474/IJAR01

2016-2017 Dr. Preetha K. G.

3) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Reduction of Overhead in Routing Protocols for MANET, Using Fuzzy Set Based Decision Making”, Accepted in International Journal of Virtual and Network Organizations, Inderscience, Scopus.

2016-2017 Dr. Preetha K. G.

6) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Fuzzy Decision Based Reliable Link Prediction Routing in MANET Using Belief Propagation”, Accepted in ICCII 2017, Springer, Scopus

2016-2017 Shimmi A

Sreya Sreedharan, Shimmi Asokan, "A cache replacement policy based on re-reference count", International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT),IEEE, March 2017DOI: 10.1109/ICICCT.2017.7975173

2016-2017 Shimmi A

Ritz Sebastian, Shimmi Asokan, "Process compliance checking using model checker", International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT),IEEE, March 2017, DOI: 10.1109/ICICCT.2017.7975220

2016-2017 Dr. Preetha K. G.

5) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Enhancing the Performance of Routing Protocol in MANET by Predicting the Link Availability Through Belief Propagation”, Accepted in IEEE TENSYMP 2017

2016-2017 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Enhanced Domination Set Based Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks with Reliable Nodes”, Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, SCIE

2016-2017 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Measuring Credibility of Online Information,Naziya C Najeeb and Sangeetha Jamal, Published in IJAR

2016-2017 Shimmi A

Ayana S and Shimmi Asokan, “Verification of Congestion Control Protocol in VANETS Using Formal Method”, IJAR, ISSN: 2320-5407, September 2016, DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/1682

2016-2017 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

Deriving Practical Applicability of Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games
International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications

2015-2016 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Shareef MMP, TV MD. Secure audio watermarking system using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Tinkerbell Chaotic Map. In: IEEE International Conference in Power, Instrumentation,Control and Computing - PICC 2015. Thrissur: IEEE; 2015.

2015-2016 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Encryption-Enhanced Reversible Watermarking for Medical Images via Prediction and RC4 Encryption. In: IEEE; 2015.

2015-2016 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Identity of user thrashing and privacy protection of fingerprints. In: ; 2015

2015-2016 Ms. Amitha Mathew

Human Identification and Tracking under Occlusion using HOG and SURF

2015-2016 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Request Reply Detection Mechanism for Malicious MANETs, Published by Springer

2015-2016 Dr. Preetha K. G.

A Novel Approach for Malicious Node Detection in MANET-Published by Springer

2015-2016 Dr. Tripti C

A Novel Approach for Enhancing the Security of User Authentication in VANET Using Biometrics

2015-2016 Ms. Dincy Paul

GMM clustering based segmentation and optic nervehead geometry detection from OCT nervehead images
2015 Global Conference on Communication Technologies (GCCT), Thuckalay

2015-2016 Ms. Anjusree V.K.

Interactive Email System Based on Blink Detection
International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications

2015-2016 Ms. Diya Thomas

A Weighted Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Software Engineering , Volume 5 Issue 11,2016

2015-2016 Dr. Jisha G.

Active Cluster Node aggregation Scheme in wireless sensor network using neural networks

2015-2016 Dr. Jisha G.

Role of Gateways in MANET Integration Scenarios

2015-2016 Dr. Sminu Izudheen

Link Prediction in Protein Networks using Minimum Strong Edge-Edge Domination Set

2015-2016 Dr. Tripti C

Authentication techniques in VANETs-A Survey

2015-2016 Shimmi A

Neethu Kurian, Shimmi Asokan, “Summarizing user opinions: A method for labeled-data scarce product domains.”, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), Elsevier, 2014

2015-2016 Shimmi A

Niloofer Shanavas and Shimmi Asokan, Ontology-Based Document Mining System for IT Support Service, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), December 2014, Elsevier

2015-2016 Ms. Jomina John


2015-2016 Ms. Archana Devi R

Visual Cryptographic Schemes for Secure Image Sharing

2015-2016 Ms. Archana Devi R

Implementing Message Integrity in Mobile Phones (Android platform) Using Identity Based Encryption

2015-2016 Ms. Archana Devi R

Ensuring Image Integrity in Android

2015-2016 Dr. Jisha G.

Integrated MANET Routing Scheme for Heterogeneous Networks

2015-2016 Ms. Diya Thomas

1. Aswathy P Sreevatsan , Diya Thomas,” An Optimal Weighted Cluster Based Routing Protocol For Manet”, International Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing ,IEEE,March,2016

2015-2016 Ms. Archana Devi R

A Comparative Study on Sentiment Analysis for Jallikattu Protest

2015-2016 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

A Survey on Mining User Opinion from Texts and Emoticons,Authored by Nasiya Najeeb , Sangeetha Jamal ,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 10, October-2015

2014-2015 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

Efficient registration via fingerprints combination.2014 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2014.

2014-2015 Ms. Gopika S.

Published a paper " Combining chain code, Invariant Moments and Density for offline Signature Verificcation " in International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2014) held at Jaypee University of Information technology, Delhi in \

2014-2015 Ms. Jomina John


2014-2015 Dr. Tripti C


2014-2015 Ms. Anjusree V.K.

Particle Based Automated Iris Tracking and Blink Detection Engineering(IJARSE)
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and

2014-2015 Dr. Tripti C

A Novel Approach for Enhancing the Security of User Authentication in VANET Using Biometrics

2014-2015 Dr. Tripti C

Distributed Priority based channel access using road structure for VANET (DPBCA)

2014-2015 Ms. Diya Thomas

A Survey on Weighted Clustering Techniques in MANETS, ICETEM2014

2014-2015 Ms. Gopika S.

International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014) - "Online and Offline Signature Verification: A Combined Approach".

2014-2015 Ms. Gopika S.

"Gradient and Projection Based Feature for Offline Signature Verification" published in The International Conference on Information Science 2014 (ICIS'14) is organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, College of Engineering Cherthala

2014-2015 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

OPEN DOMAIN QUESTION ANSWERING SYSTEM USING SEMANTIC ROLE LABELING, Sreelekhshmi V, Sangeetha Jamal. In: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies. Vol. 03. 15th ed. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology ; 2014. p. 104-107.

2014-2015 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

An Improved SRL based Plagiarism Detection Technique using Sentence Ranking, Merin Paul, Sangeetha Jamal. In: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, 2014. Published in Elsevier Procedia Computer Science Published by Science Direct, 2015

2014-2015 Ms. Jomina John

Confidential Se-Drip:A Secure Data Discovery and Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

2014-2015 Dr. Tripti C

Enhancing the key pre-distribution on wireless sensor networks by reducing storage overhead

2014-2015 Ms. Elizabeth Isaac

A novel source routing technique for mesh NoCs

2014-2015 Ms. Diya Thomas

Enhanced Method for Noise Identification in Datasets, ICACC 2014

2014-2015 Dr. Preetha K. G.

A Novel Algorithm for Traffic Reduction in Wireless Sensor Network , Published in First International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC), 2014-Paper Published in IEEE explorer

2014-2015 Shimmi A

Niloofer Shanavas and Shimmi Asokan, Ontology-Based Document Mining System for IT Support Service, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), December 2014, Elsevier

2014-2015 Shimmi A

Neethu Kurian, Shimmi Asokan, “Summarizing user opinions: A method for labeled-data scarce product domains.”, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), Elsevier, 2014

2014-2015 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Improving the Routing Performance of Mobile Ad hoc Networks Using Domination Set, Published in ICICT, CUSAT, Paper published by Elsiever

2014-2015 Ms. Diya Thomas


2014-2015 Ms. Diya Thomas

A Survey On Different Noise Identification Techniques In Datasets, NCRTKM-2014

2014-2015 Dr. Anita John

Merin Silvi, Anita John: A Short Survey On Image Steganography Techniques in Spatial Domain, Proceedings of the National Conference on Information Security and Network Engineering-(NCISN)

2014-2015 Mr. Santhosh K. M.

Probability theory based approach for detecting DDoS Attack (Paper accepted in IJCSIT)

2014-2015 Ms. Elizabeth Isaac

Distance Routing on Mesh Network on Chip

2014-2015 Ms. Jomina John

Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks - a Survey

2014-2015 Ms. Jomina John

A Review on Secure Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

2014-2015 Ms. Jomina John

Techniques to achieve Data Security During Communication in Networked Critical Infrastructures – A Survey

2014-2015 Dr. Preetha K. G.

protocol based classification in hybrid network intrusion detection systems, Published in National Conference on Technological Advancements in Engineering

2014-2015 Ms. Diya Thomas

Secure Anonymous Energy Efficient Optimal Routing Protocol for MANET

2014-2015 Mr. Sebin Jose

Content based Image Retrieval System with Watermarks and Relevance Feedback

2013-2014 Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef

A data concealing method characterised by DNA coding. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology . 2013.

2013-2014 Dr. John Jose

Implementation and Analysis of History Based Output Channel Selection Strategies for Adaptive Routers in Mesh NoCs, accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM-TODAES)

2013-2014 Ms. Mintu Philip

Comparative Analysis of Similarity Measures in Document Clustering, IEEE

2013-2014 Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez


2013-2014 Mr. Paul Augustine

An Exploratory Survey on Various Face Recognition Methods Using Component Analysis

2013-2014 Shimmi A

Sreya Sreedharan, Shimmi Asokan, A Survey on Cache Performance Improvement Techniques,National conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science & Information Engineering at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Palai

2013-2014 Ms. Amitha Mathew


2013-2014 Ms. Amitha Mathew

2013-2014 Ms. Jomina John

Confidential Se-Drip:A Secure Data Discovery and Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

2013-2014 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

Launch Time Application Security: The Trusted Approach
International Journal of Science and Research

2013-2014 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

Towards a Trust Envisioned Cyber Security
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies

2013-2014 Dr. Renu Mary Daniel

A Trusted Integrity Verification Architecture for Commodity Computers
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research

2013-2014 Ms. Elizabeth Isaac

A Novel Energy Efficient Source Routing for Mesh NoCs

2013-2014 Ms. Diya Thomas

A Survey On Different Noise Identification Techniques In Datasets ,NCRTKM-2014

2013-2014 Ms. Diya Thomas

Enhanced Method for Noise Identification in Datasets,ICACC2014.

2013-2014 Ms. Mintu Philip

A Pragmatic Approach to Develop Computational Thinking Skills in Novices in Computing Education, IEEE

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Eliza MG, Tripti C. A Comparison between Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Gabor Filter Sclera Blood Vessel Enhancement Techniques. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE). 2013;ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3(Issue-4, September 2013):22-25.

2013-2014 Mr. Paul Augustine

Face Recognition : A Comparative Study of Principal Component Analysis and Difference Component Analysis

2013-2014 Dr. John Jose

Minimally Bufferred Single-Cycle Deflection Router for Mesh NoCs. In proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE-14). Dresden, Germany, March 2014.

2013-2014 Ms. Jomina John

A review on secure data dissemination protocols in wireless sensor networks

2013-2014 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Survey Paper- Question Answering Systems

2013-2014 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

A survey on Plagiarism Detection In Text Documents

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Lidiya Ross George M, Tripti. C, "A Survey On Flooding Attack Prevention Methods In MANET-",National Conference on Information Security and Network Engineering (NCISN) 2014, 26-27 March, 2014.

2013-2014 Dr. John Jose

WeDBless : Weighted Deflection Bufferless Router for Mesh NoCs. In proceedings of 24th IEEE International Great Lakes Symposium on Very Large Sclae Integration (GLSVLSI-2014). Houston, Texas, USA, May 2014.

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Manoj R, Tripti C, Y.Md.Riyazuddin, G.Victor Daniel, "Enhancing the Key Pre-distribution on Wireless Sensor Networks by Reducing Storage Overhead",International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 28-29 March 2014.

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Remya Krishnan P,Tripti C, "Authentication techniques in VANETs-A Survey", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 28-29 March 2014

2013-2014 Ms. Mintu Philip

Feature Based Image Manipulation, IEEE

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Shamna P, Tripti C, Paul A. FACE RECOGNITION : A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS AND DIFFERENCE COMPONENT ANALYSIS. International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR) . 2013;(August-31, 2013):275-282.

2013-2014 Dr. John Jose

Congestion Management in adaptive NoC routers using cost-effective selection strategies. In proceedings of Student Research Symposium at IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC-SRS), Bangalore, Dec-2013.

2013-2014 Dr. John Jose

Minimally buffered deflection NoC router with dual point injection. In proceedings of Student Research Symposium at IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC-SRS), Bangalore, Dec-2013. (Best Paper award)

2013-2014 Ms. Jomina John

Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks - a Survey

2013-2014 Dr. John Jose

SLIDER: Smart Late Injection DEflection Router for Mesh NoCs. In: Proceedings of 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2013). Asheville, North Carolina, USA., Oct 2013. p. 377-383.

2013-2014 Ms. Sangeetha Jamal

Fuzzy Rule Based Data Forwarding for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Control System.

2013-2014 Mr. Santhosh K. M.

Defending DDoS Attack using Stochastic Model based Puzzle Controller

2013-2014 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

Reshma Prasad, Mary Priya Sebastian, “A Survey on Phrase Structure Learning Methods for Text Classification”, In: International Journal on Natural Language Computing,Volume 3 ,Number 2, April 2014

2013-2014 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

Confidential Se-Drip:A Secure Data Discovery and Dissemination protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
National Conference on New Trends in Electronics, Computing and Communication (NTECC-2014)

2013-2014 Mr. Paul Augustine

A novel Algorithm for Image Compression and Pattern Matching
ICACC/ICECCS workshops

2013-2014 Mr. Paul Augustine

DCA: An Approach for Face Recognition through Component Analysis
ICACC/ICECCS workshops

2013-2014 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Demand based data replication in MANET, Proceedings of the third international conference on Advances in Computing & Communications 2013, August. Published by IEEE

2013-2014 Dr. Preetha K. G.

“ Enhancedbeaconless routing mechanism in VANET, ICACCI, Mysore, August 2013, Publisher is IEEE

2013-2014 Ms. Gopika S.

Feature based Image Manipulation

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Shamna P, Tripti C, Paul A. A novel Algorithm for Image Compression and Pattern Matching. International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC) 2013.

2013-2014 Dr. Preetha K. G.

A Cluster Based Leader Election Algorithm for MANETs, Presented in ICCC 2013, TVM, 13 to 15 December 2013, Publisher is IEEE

2013-2014 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

Secure data dissemination protocol in wireless sensor networks using XOR Network Coding
International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology

2013-2014 Mr. Jayarajan J. N.

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 : Survey on Playlist Generation Techniques

2013-2014 Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian

Reshma Prasad, Mary Priya Sebastian, Dr. G. Santhosh Kumar, “A Technique to Extract Transliterating Phrases in Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam”, In: Proceedings of National Conference On Indian Language Computing, February 2014

2013-2014 Dr. Preetha K. G.

Enhanced Data Replication based on Demand to Improve Data Availability in MANETs”, published in International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2014)

2013-2014 Dr. Preetha K. G.

A novel Approach to find the alternate path for route maintenance in AODV ” Published in IJCSET Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013

2013-2014 Shimmi A

Asha M. J., Shimmi Asokan, BIFEMIT- A Novel Algorithm for Biometric Identification, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN:2231-0711, Vol 3, Issue 7

2013-2014 Dr. Preetha K. G.

“Social-aware Context Based Approach for Forwarding Data in Wireless Network Comprising of Selfish Individuals” Published in IJCSET Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013

2013-2014 Dr. Preetha K. G.

“An Effective Path Protection Method to Attain the Route Stability in MANET”, published in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013

2013-2014 Ms. Deepa John

Rules Extraction in XML using Correlation

2013-2014 Ms. Gopika S.

Static and Dynamic Hand Geature Recognition

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Balakrishnan, Salini; Tripti, C.; Cyriac, Robin, "SURVEY ON SECURITY CHALLENGES IN WARNING MESSAGE DISSEMINATION AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS", Asian Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology;Mar2014, Vol. 4 Issue 3, Pp28.

2013-2014 Shimmi A

Niloofer Shanavas, Shimmi Asokan, “Semantic Approach Utilizing Data Mining and Case -Based Reasoning for IT Support Service”, IJRET, Volume 3, Issue 3

2013-2014 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks-a Survey
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

2013-2014 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

A Review on secure data dissemination protocols in wireless sensor networks
International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

2013-2014 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

Techniques to achieve data security during communication in networked critical infrastructures- A Survey
National Conference on Computing and Communication(NCCC-2014)

2013-2014 Ms. Jisha Mary Jose

Security issues during data dissemination in wireless sensor networks
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering & Technology (IJARTET-2015)

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Shamna P, Tripti C, Paul A. DCA: An Approach for Face Recognition through Component Analysis. International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC) 2013.

2013-2014 Dr. Tripti C

Shamna P, Paul A, Tripti C. An Exploratory Survey on Various Face Recognition Methods Using Component Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 2013;2(5).

2013-2014 Ms. Archana Devi R

Traffic Prediction through Live GPS Data
International Journal of Software and Web Sciences (IJSWS) (controlled by International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR))

2013-2014 Dr. Jisha G.

Network Layer Attacks and Protection in MANET, A Survey

2013-2014 Dr. Jisha G.

Optimizing of Bloom Filters by Automatic Bloom Filter Updating and Instantly Updating Service Availability on Peers in P2P Network

2013-2014 Dr. Jisha G.

A Comparison between Flooding and Bloom Filter Based Multikeyword Search in Peer To Peer Network

2013-2014 Dr. Anita John

Expository Study on Sybil attack counter measures in VANET”

2012-2013 Ms. Diya Thomas

Location Dependent Query Processing in Mobile Environment. In: International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication. Vol. 1. RSET; 2012

2012-2013 Ms. Diya Thomas

A Categorized Survey on Buffer Overflow Countermeasures . International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 2013

2012-2013 Ms. Diya Thomas

An Enhanced method for privacy preservation in data publishing . In: International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies. Vivekanadha College of Engineering for Women: IEEE; 2013.

2012-2013 Ms. Diya Thomas

A Survey on Privacy Preservation in Data Publishing. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology. 2013;4(5)

2012-2013 Mr. Paul Augustine

A Survey on Various PCA Techniques for Face Recognition
ICACC/ICECCS workshops

2012-2013 Mr. Paul Augustine

An Exploratory Survey on Various Face Recognition Methods Using Component Analysis

2012-2013 Dr. Anita John

Survey on data mining techniques to enhance intrusion detection
2012 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics

2012-2013 Dr. Anita John

Improving Lifetime of Structured Deployed Wireless Sensor Network Using Sleepy Algorithm
International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems

2012-2013 Dr. Anita John

Host based attack detection using system calls
Second International Conference on Computational Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CCSEIT '12).

2011-2012 Dr. Anita John

A host based kernel level rootkit detection mechanism using clustering technique.
International Conference on Computational Science, Engineering and Information Technology

2011-2012 Dr. Anita John

Rootkit detection mechanism: A survey
International Conference on Parallel Distributed Computing Technologies and Applications, pp. 366-374. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011.