Year | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper-Conference/Journal Details |
2025-2026 | Ms. Seema Safar | Enriching Aspect-Based Recommendation System using Social Relation-Item Interaction |
2025-2026 | Dr. Jisha G. | Enhanced Weather Prediction with Feature Engineered, Time Series Cross Validated Ridge Regression Model |
2024-2025 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Enhancing Traffic Control Strategies through Dynamic Simulation and Reinforcement Learning |
2024-2025 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Dynamic Landslide Prediction, Monitoring, and Early Warning with Explainable AI: A Comprehensive Approach |
2024-2025 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Motion Tolerant Finger Vein Authentication using Deep Learning Techniques |
2024-2025 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Enhancing Finger Vein Authentication through Deep Learning: A Comparative Study of U-Net and Sequential Models |
2024-2025 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive Clustering For Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks |
2024-2025 | Dr. Jisha G. | Stacked LSTM for Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (MRMR) Feature Selection |
2024-2025 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | QGen: Automated Question Paper Generator |
2024-2025 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Interactive Chatbot with AI Support for Universities: Enhancing Student Engagement and Administrative Efficiency |
2024-2025 | Ms. Jomina John | Trust value evaluation of cloud service providers using fuzzy inference based analytical process |
2024-2025 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | An Energy Efficiency Optimization for Uplink Communication in IEEE 802.11ah Under Restricted Access Window |
2024-2025 | Dr. Jisha G. | Enhanced Weather Prediction with Feature Engineered, Time Series Cross Validated Ridge Regression Model |
2024-2025 | Ms. Jomina John | Predictive digital twin driven trust model for cloud service providers with Fuzzy inferred trust score calculation |
2024-2025 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | An interactive visualization tool for the exploration and analysis of multivariate ocean data |
2024-2025 | Dr. Anita John | Exploring Diverse Configurations of Cellular Automata Based S-Boxes Using Reinforcement Learning |
2024-2025 | Ms. Liya Joseph | An Efficient Approach for EEG Seizure Detection using CNN with Feature Extraction |
2024-2025 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Epileptic Seizure Localization from EEG Signals |
2024-2025 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Improved Finger Vein Recognition Using Generative Adversarial Network and Transfer Learning |
2024-2025 | Ms. Meenu Mathew | Phrase-level emotion intensity detection of text using lexicon-based unit circle and pipelined neural networks approaches |
2024-2025 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Advancing explainable MOOC recommendation systems: a morphological operations-based framework on partially ordered neutrosophic fuzzy hypergraphs |
2024-2025 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | Face Generation and Recognition in Forensic Science |
2023-2024 | Dr. P Sojan Lal | Ontology and crow optimization-based deep belief network for privacy preservation of medical data |
2023-2024 | Dr. Anita John | Hash Function Design Based on Hybrid Five Neighbourhood Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions |
2023-2024 | Ms. Seema Safar | Enriching Aspect-based Recommendation system using social relation-item interaction |
2023-2024 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | An Intelligent Pattern Matching approach with Deep
Hypersphere Model for Secure Big Data Storage in
Cloud Environment |
2023-2024 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | A Python Framework for Interactive 3D Visualization of Ocean Data |
2023-2024 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | A Novel Framework for Real-Time Fire Detection in CCTV Videos Using a Hybrid Approach of Motion-Flicker Detection, Colour Detection and YOLOv7 |
2023-2024 | Dr. Jisha G. | Analysing the geographical impact on short-term solar irradiance forecasting using univariate and multivariate time series models |
2023-2024 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | A Python-based Tool for the Generation of T-S Plot to Determine Water Masses in the World Ocean |
2023-2024 | Ms. Jomina John | Vulnerability scanning and analysis tool |
2023-2024 | Dr. Jisha G. | SExpSMA-based T5: Serial exponential-slime mould algorithm based T5 model for question answer and distractor generation |
2023-2024 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | QGEN: Automated Question Paper Generator |
2023-2024 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | Memory Lane: Enhanced Learning Using AI-Driven Storytelling |
2023-2024 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | Applications of Clustering in Cognitive Radio Networks |
2023-2024 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | FESSARec: Explaining Course Recommendations using Fuzzy Expert System and Self-Attention |
2023-2024 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Protection of online images against theft using robust multimodal biometric watermarking and T-Norms |
2023-2024 | Ms. Jomina John | A comprehensive survey of malware detection approaches in cloud computing environments |
2023-2024 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Fractal dimension of protein–protein interactions: a tool for cancer protein identification |
2022-2023 | Dr. Anita John | A Cellular Automata Based Fault Resistant MICKEY-Like Stream Cipher |
2022-2023 | Dr. Anita John | Fault Resistant Trivium-like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata.
2022-2023 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Concatenated Xception-ResNet50 - A novel hybrid approach for accurate skin cancer prediction |
2022-2023 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Augmenting the detection of online image theft using
diagonal transformation and iris biometric
watermarking |
2022-2023 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | DeepPRS: A Deep Learning Integrated Pattern
Recognition Methodology for Secure Data
in Cloud Environment |
2022-2023 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Price Forecasting on a Large Scale Data
Set using Time Series and Neural Network
Models |
2022-2023 | Mr. Sebin Jose | A survey on identification of influential users in social media networks using bio inspired algorithms |
2022-2023 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | A Survey on Consensus Algorithms in Blockchain Based on Post Quantum Cryptosystems |
2022-2023 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Finger Vein image labelling using hybrid algorithm |
2022-2023 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Real-time sign language recognition and speech conversion using VGG16 |
2022-2023 | Dr. Jisha G. | Solar Irradiance Prediction using Deep Learning-Based Approaches |
2022-2023 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | Malayalam Natural Language Processing: Challenges in Building a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation System |
2022-2023 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | SPOTLIGHT: A Mobile Application for Artist Management |
2022-2023 | Dr. Tripti C | Cosine Similarity Based Group Movie Recommendation Scheme Considering Privacy of Users |
2022-2023 | Mr. Paul Augustine | VIRTUAL CLOTH TRY-ON SYSTEM |
2022-2023 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | IoT Based Smart Parking System |
2022-2023 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | IoT Based Smart Parking System |
2022-2023 | Ms. Meenu Mathew | Weighted Pooling RoBERTa for Effective Text Emotion Detection |
2022-2023 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Hybrid Model to Detect Pneumothorax Using Double U-Net with Segmental Approach |
2022-2023 | Dr. Uma Narayanan | A Novel and Dynamic S-Box for Improving the Security of Audio and Video for Various Crypto - Applications |
2022-2023 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Biometric watermarking: an application-based review |
2022-2023 | Dr. Jisha G. | Time series prediction of personalized insulin dosage for type 2 diabetics |
2022-2023 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | Astrengthened eCK secure identity based authenticated key agreement protocol based on the standard CDH assumption |
2022-2023 | Ms. Seema Safar | A Comparative Analysis of Image Captioning Techniques |
2022-2023 | Ms. Seema Safar |
Enriching Transformer using Fourier Transform for Image Captioning |
2021-2022 | Ms. Liya Joseph | • Detection of Rooftop Regions in Rural Areas Using Support Vector Machine |
2021-2022 | Dr. Uma Narayanan | A novel approach to big data analysis using deep belief network for the detection of android malware |
2021-2022 | Dr. Uma Narayanan | A Light Weight Encryption Over Big Data In Information Stockpiling On Cloud |
2021-2022 | Dr. Uma Narayanan | A Novel System Architecture for Secure Authentication and Data Sharing in Cloud enabled Big Data Environment |
2021-2022 | Dr. Uma Narayanan | Decentralized blockchain based authentication for secure data sharing in Cloud-IoT |
2021-2022 | Mr. Sebin Jose | Social Distance Monitoring Using Drone |
2021-2022 | Mr. Sebin Jose | A Novel Model to Overcome Drawbacks of Present
Cloud Storage Models using AES 256 CBC Encryption |
2021-2022 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Survey and Analysis on AI Based Phishing Detection Techniques |
2021-2022 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | Data Visualization and Predictive Analysis for Smart Healthcare: Tool for a Hospital |
2021-2022 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | An Energy Efficient Intelligent Method for Sensor Node Selection to Improve the Data Reliability in Internet of Things Networks |
2021-2022 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Introducing HPC and Related Technologies Education in a Higher Education Institute in India |
2021-2022 | Dr. Tripti C | An Enhancement for IEEE 802.11p to Provision Quality of Service with Context Aware Channel Access for the Forward Collision Avoidance Application in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network |
2021-2022 | Mr. Paul Augustine | A Comparison on Instance Segmentation Models |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Strengthening Security of Images Using Dynamic S-Boxes for Cryptographic applications |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Real Time Proximity Sensin Module for Social Distancing and Disease Spread Tracking |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Context Based Searching in Cloud Data for Improved Precision of Search Results |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Impact of Optimized Value for Relative |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Enhancing Security in Digital Data using various Function of S-Box in Data Encryption Standard Method |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Towards Detecting Flooding DDOS Attacks Over Software Defined Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques |
2021-2022 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | Comorbidity Based Risk Prediction System for ARDS in COVID-19 Patients |
2021-2022 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | E-Quarantine: Remote Real Time Monitoring of COVID-19 patients |
2021-2022 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Deep learning network architecture using evolutionary algorithms
2021-2022 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Performance study of various Text Classification Algorithms and its Applications: An Analysis |
2021-2022 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Virtual Fitting Room using Augmented Reality Techniques |
2021-2022 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | A Provably Secure Identity Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol with Multiple PKG Compatibility for Inter-Vehicular Ad hoc Networks |
2021-2022 | Dr. Anita John | A Novel Hash Function Based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Challenges, Security Mechanisms and Research Areas in IOT and IioT |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Decentralized Blockchain based Authentication for Secure Data Sharing in Cloud-IoT |
2021-2022 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | 'Design and Implementation of an Augmented Reality Mobile Application for navigating ATM counters (AR-ATM)' |
2021-2022 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Secure Storage and Retrieval of Electronic Health Records |
2021-2022 | Dr. Varghese Paul | An Effective Mechanism for the Secure Transmission of Medical Images using Compression and Public Key Encryption Mechanism |
2020-2021 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Practical Analysis of Representative Models in Classifier: A Review |
2020-2021 | Ms. Anjusree V.K. | Face Depth Estimation and 3D Reconstruction |
2020-2021 | Ms. Anjusree V.K. | Eye Movement Classification Using CNN |
2020-2021 | Ms. Sreedevi T R | Digital Twin in Smart Farming: A Categorical Literature Review And Exploring Possibilities in Hydroponics |
2020-2021 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Efficient Abandoned Luggage Detection in Complex
Surveillance Videos |
2020-2021 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | An Effcient, Automatic Abandoned Luggage Detection using DenseNet for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems |
2020-2021 | Dr. Tripti C | An enhanced synchronized multi-channel MAC scheme to improve throughput in VANET |
2020-2021 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | Cognitive Radio Networks: Recent Advances in Spectrum Sensing Techniques and Security |
2020-2021 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | An efficient eCK secure identity based Two Party Authenticated Key Agreement scheme with security against active adversaries |
2020-2021 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Iris Recognition using Integer Wavelet Transform and Log Energy Entropy |
2020-2021 | Mr. Paul Augustine | Journal named “Automatic Detection of Helmet and Non-
Helmet Motorcycle” International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET)
2020-2021 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef |
Audio Watermarking Schemes: A Comparative Analysis
Audio watermarking schemes : A comparative analysis |
2020-2021 | Dr. Anita John | PENTAVIUM: Potent Trivium-Like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata. |
2020-2021 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | Reinforcement Learning based Clustering Algorithm
for Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks |
2020-2021 | Ms. Seema Safar | Emotion Recognition-Based Mental Healthcare Chat-bots: A Survey |
2020-2021 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Intelligent Exploration of Negative Interaction from Protein-Protein Interaction Network and its Application in Healthcare |
2020-2021 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Short-Term Passenger Count Prediction for Metro Stations using LSTM Network |
2020-2021 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | A Fuzzy rule- based Abandoned Object Detection using Image Fusion for Intelligent
Video Surveillance Systems |
2020-2021 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Graph centrality of BRCA1 in Protein-Protein Interaction network: An Overview |
2020-2021 | Ms. Anjusree V.K. | Automatic Image Tagging In Autonomous Vehicles |
2020-2021 | Ms. Anjusree V.K. | A Review of IFM Free and IFM based methods for underwater Imaging |
2020-2021 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Fingerprint core point detection using Connected Component approach and Orientation map Edge Tracing approach |
2020-2021 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Recommendation Systems : A comparative analysis of Deep learning and classical approaches |
2020-2021 | Dr. Anita John | A Novel Hash Function Based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions. |
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Decentralized blockchain based authentication for secure data sharing in Cloud-IoT
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | A Highly Non-Linear And Robust Dynamic S-Box Forcryptographic Applications
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Impact of Optimized Value for Relative Humidity at Cathode in PEMFC for Improved Stack Performance
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Context Based Searching in Cloud Data for Improved Precision of Search Results
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Strengthening Security of Images Using Dynamic S-Boxes for Cryptographic Applications
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | An Effective Mechanism for the Secure Transmission of Medical Images Using Compression and Public Key Encryption Mechanism
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Real-Time Proximity Sensing Module for Social Distancing and Disease Spread Tracking
2020-2021 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Towards Detecting Flooding DDOS Attacks Over Software Defined Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques
2019-2020 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Fuzzy Mapping Model For Classification In Supervised Learning |
2019-2020 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Audio watermarking Schemes : A comparative Analysis |
2019-2020 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Message Moderation Chatbot |
2019-2020 | Mr. Harikrishnan M | Survey on Different Music Recommendation Techniques |
2019-2020 | Mr. Sandy Joseph | Review on Securing Medical Big Data in Healthcare Cloud |
2019-2020 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Fuzzy Mapping Model For Classification In Supervised Learning,Angela Mathew and Sangeetha Jamal, Presented in TENCON 2019,17-20 October, 2019 ,Hotel Grand Hyatt, Kochi, Kerala |
2019-2020 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | . Reduction of Overhead in Routing Protocols for MANET, Using Fuzzy Set Based Decision Making |
2019-2020 | Ms. Meharban MS | A computer vision based approach to detect fake images |
2019-2020 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Efficient Abandoned Luggage Detection in Complex
Surveillance Videos |
2019-2020 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | A review on finger vein recognition using deep learning technique |
2019-2020 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Practical Analysis of Representative Models in Classifier: A Review,Angela Mathew and Sangeetha Jamal,AIDE-2019 International Conference On Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering May 23-24, 2019 N.M.A.M Institute Of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka, INDIA. |
2019-2020 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | Verb Phrases Alignment Technique for English-Malayalam Parallel Corpus in Statistical Machine Translation Special issue on MTIL 2017 |
2019-2020 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Deep Learning Techniques: An Overview |
2019-2020 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | An approach to optimize the link Predicted in Protein Networks using Minimum Strong Edge-Edge Domination Set |
2019-2020 | Ms. Meharban MS | A review on image synthesis |
2019-2020 | Ms. Meharban MS | Automated Surveillance on Roads for
Helmet Detection and Number plate
2019-2020 | Ms. Meharban MS | A review on image captioning and speech synthesis |
2019-2020 | Ms. Meharban MS | A review on text to face image synthesis |
2019-2020 | Ms. Meharban MS | Image to text and Text to speech synthesis |
2019-2020 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Effect of community structures in protein–protein interaction network in cancer protein identification |
2019-2020 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | Machine learning approach to suffix separation on a sandhi rule annotated malayalam data set |
2019-2020 | Ms. Meharban MS | Generative Adversarial networks:Areview |
2019-2020 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | An Efficient eCK Secure Certificateless Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme with Security Against Public Key Replacement Attacks |
2019-2020 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | A methodology for Short-term Electric Power Load Forecasting |
2019-2020 | Mr. Uday Babu P | Cloud based Petrol Pump Blacklisting using IoT |
2019-2020 | Dr. Varghese Paul | PVW: An Efficient Dynamic Symmetric Cipher to Enable End-to-End Secure Communication
2019-2020 | Dr. Varghese Paul | A light weight encryption over big data in information stockpiling on cloud
2019-2020 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Multi-Soft Set Based Approach for Rule based Classification Using Sequential Covering Algorithm
2019-2020 | Dr. Varghese Paul | A novel approach to big data analysis using deep belief network for the detection of android malware
2019-2020 | Dr. Varghese Paul | A Novel System Architecture for Secure Authentication and Data Sharing in Cloud Enabled Big Data Environment
2019-2020 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Soft Set Theory-A Novel Soft Computing Tool for Data Mining
2019-2020 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Soft Set Based Approach For Mining Frequent Itemsets
2018-2019 | Shimmi A | Modelling and Verification of the FlexRay Startup Mechanism using UPPAAL Model Checker |
2018-2019 | Ms. Jomina John | Major Vulnerabilities and their prevention methods in cloud computing |
2018-2019 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Fuzzy Decision-Based Reliable Link Prediction Routing in MANET Using Belief Propagation. |
2018-2019 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Reversible Image Watermarking: A review |
2018-2019 | Dr. Tripti C | Data Anonymization for Privacy Preservation in Big Data |
2018-2019 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Breast cancer detection in mammogram using fuzzy c-means and random forest classifier |
2018-2019 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | A forward secure signcryption scheme with ciphertext authentication for e-payment systems using conic curve cryptography |
2018-2019 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | An Efficient Forward Secure Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Ciphertext Authentication Based on Two Hard Problems |
2018-2019 | Dr. Anita John | CARPenter:A Cellular Automata Based Resilient Pentavalent Stream Cipher. |
2018-2019 | Dr. Jisha G. | Dual Sentimental Analysis on Product Review |
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | An Efficient Algorithm for Polyalphabetic Substitution using Random Tables
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Intelligent Agents in Securing Internet |
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Automatic Segmentation and Classification in Cervical Cancer Images: Evaluation and Challenges
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | An Efficient Algorithm for Polyalphabetic Substitution using Infinite Number of Alphabetical Tables
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Designing an intelligent controller for improving PEM fuel cell efficiency
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Content based image retrieval using deep learning process
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Handsoff Delay Optimisation using Hybrid Prediction Model |
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Reducing the Frequent Switch Over between the Base Stations through Continuous Analysis of Signal Strength |
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher Using Multiple Random Table
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Abnormality Recognition and Feature Extraction in Female Pelvic Ultrasound Imaging
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Performance analysis of artificial intelligent controllers in PEM fuel cell voltage tracking
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | A novel optimized classifier for the loan repayment capability prediction system
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Analysis of Novel Recommendation Engine Based on Simulated Annealing Based Clustering
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Mathematical modelling of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell and fuzzy-based intelligent controllers for performance enhancement
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Secure brain-to-brain communication with edge computing for assisting post-stroke paralyzed patients |
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | A secure and efficient lightweight symmetric encryption scheme for transfer of text files between embedded IoT devices. Symmetry 1?21
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | An imperceptible spatial domain color image watermarking scheme
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | Secure thought transfer and processing using novel-T algorithm
2018-2019 | Dr. Varghese Paul | An efficient algorithm for polyalphabetic substitution using infinite number of alphabetical tables
2017-2018 | Ms. Anu Maria Joykutty | Automated Surveillance System for Infection Control |
2017-2018 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Named Entity Recognition in Sanskrit: A Survey, Joseph Mickole James and Sangeetha Jamal, Published in International journal of pure and applied mathematics June,2018(SCOPUS indexed) |
2017-2018 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | CONFERENCE PAPER-IEEE ICICCS 2018.-Deep Learning Techniques in Computational Linguistics |
2017-2018 | Ms. Meharban MS | Application of Content Based Image Retrieval |
2017-2018 | Mr. Harikrishnan M | A Survey on Spoofing Detection Techniques using Biometrics |
2017-2018 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | CONFERENCE PAPER-NCILC 2018-An Attempt to Develop an Author Identification System for Malayalam Text Documents |
2017-2018 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | CONFERENCE PAPER-NCILC2018-Exploring Semantic Similarities of Malayalam Words Using Word Embeddings |
2017-2018 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | A review on pre-processing with segmentation of medical images using image processing, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication |
2017-2018 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Preetha, K. G., and A. Unnikrishnan. "Enhanced domination set based routing in mobile ad hoc networks with reliable nodes." Computers & Electrical Engineering 64 (2017): 595-604. SCIE |
2017-2018 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | 4) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Fuzzy Decision Based Reliable Link Prediction Routing in MANET Using Belief Propagation”, Accepted in ICCII 2017, Springer, Scopus. |
2017-2018 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | 2) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Reduction of Overhead in Routing Protocols for MANET, Using Fuzzy Set Based Decision Making”, Accepted in International Journal of Virtual and Network Organizations, Inderscience, Scopus |
2017-2018 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Preetha, K.G. and Unnikrishnan, A., 2017, July. Enhancing the performance of routing protocol in MANET by predicting the link availability through belief propagation. In IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2017 (pp. 1-4). IEEE. |
2017-2018 | Ms. Asha Raj | Techniques used in automatic emotion recognition from eeg signals: a review |
2017-2018 | Mr. Harikrishnan M | Cheque Image Security Enhancement in Online Banking |
2017-2018 | Dr. Tripti C | Tripti, C and Manoj, R (2017) "An asynchronous multi-channel MAC for improving channel utilization in VANET." In: International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications, Kakkanad, Kochi, INDIA. |
2017-2018 | Mr. Harikrishnan M | Biometric Authentication and Template Protection using Visual Cryptography and Watermarking |
2017-2018 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | A novel image theft identification using biometric feature, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (Scopus indexed), April 2017 |
2017-2018 | Ms. Meenu Mathew | A review on identification of protein complexes in PPI |
2017-2018 | Dr. Sivaram M | “ Integer wavelet transform based approach for high robustness of audio signal transmission |
2017-2018 | Ms. Jomina John | Major vulnerabilities and their prevention meth-ods in cloud computing |
2017-2018 | Ms. Meenu Mathew | Distributed Document Clustering :A Review |
2017-2018 | Dr. Jincy J. Fernandez | Reversible Image Watermarking: A Review, International Journal of Scientific research in science, engineering and technology, Vol. 4. No. 4, pp. 738-746, March 2018 |
2017-2018 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | Journal of Intelligent Systems-Verb Phrases Alignment Technique for English-Malayalam Parallel Corpus in Statistical Machine Translation Special issue on MTIL 2017 |
2017-2018 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Video Anomaly Detection in Confined Areas |
2017-2018 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Flowchart Plagiarism Detection System: An Image Processing Approach ,Jithin S Kuruvila, Midhun Lal V L, Rejin Roy, Tomin Baby, Sangeetha Jamal, Sherly K K,Published in ScienceDirect,Procedia Computer Science 115 (2017) 533–540 |
2017-2018 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Electricity Load Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network By Back Propagation |
2017-2018 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | Analysis of hierarchical identity based encryption schemes and its applicability to computing environments |
2016-2017 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Tracking location of medicinal plants in dense forest using image processing : A comparative analysis. Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative research. 2016. |
2016-2017 | Dr. Jisha G. | Maintaining connectivity of mobile nodes using MANET gateway nodes |
2016-2017 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Preetha KG, Anjana K P,Cooperative Judgement Based Intrusion detection system for Wireless Ad hoc Networks,National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Coputing and Informatics |
2016-2017 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Preetha KG, Jeeva Susan Jacob,A Network Selction scheme for 4G communication Systems Using Muti level Optimization Techniques, National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Coputing and Informatics |
2016-2017 | Ms. Diya Thomas | Multi level Privacy Preserving in Medical Data Publishing,Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies - ACT 2016 |
2016-2017 | Dr. Jisha G. | Integrated MANET Routing Scheme for Heterogeneous Networks |
2016-2017 | Dr. Jisha G. | Design and Analysis of Virtualized Wireless Sensor Network in Internet Of Thing (IOT). |
2016-2017 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Identifying Negative Interactions in Protein-Protein Interaction Network Using Weak Edge-edge Domination Set |
2016-2017 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | QUESTION ANSWERING SYSTEM WITH REPEATED QUESTION IDENTIFICATION. Maria Vijoy and Sangeetha Jamal. Published in International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 7,DOI:10.21474/IJAR01 |
2016-2017 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | 3) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Reduction of Overhead in Routing Protocols for MANET, Using Fuzzy Set Based Decision Making”, Accepted in International Journal of Virtual and Network Organizations, Inderscience, Scopus. |
2016-2017 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | 6) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Fuzzy Decision Based Reliable Link Prediction Routing in MANET Using Belief Propagation”, Accepted in ICCII 2017, Springer, Scopus |
2016-2017 | Shimmi A | Sreya Sreedharan, Shimmi Asokan, "A cache replacement policy based on re-reference count", International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT),IEEE, March 2017DOI: 10.1109/ICICCT.2017.7975173 |
2016-2017 | Shimmi A | Ritz Sebastian, Shimmi Asokan, "Process compliance checking using model checker", International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT),IEEE, March 2017, DOI: 10.1109/ICICCT.2017.7975220 |
2016-2017 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | 5) Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Enhancing the Performance of Routing Protocol in MANET by Predicting the Link Availability Through Belief Propagation”, Accepted in IEEE TENSYMP 2017 |
2016-2017 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Preetha K G, A Unnikrishnan, “Enhanced Domination Set Based Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks with Reliable Nodes”, Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, SCIE |
2016-2017 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Measuring Credibility of Online Information,Naziya C Najeeb and Sangeetha Jamal, Published in IJAR |
2016-2017 | Shimmi A | Ayana S and Shimmi Asokan, “Verification of Congestion Control Protocol in VANETS Using Formal Method”, IJAR, ISSN: 2320-5407, September 2016, DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/1682 |
2016-2017 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | Deriving Practical Applicability of Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games |
2015-2016 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Shareef MMP, TV MD. Secure audio watermarking system using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Tinkerbell Chaotic Map. In: IEEE International Conference in Power, Instrumentation,Control and Computing - PICC 2015. Thrissur: IEEE; 2015. |
2015-2016 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Encryption-Enhanced Reversible Watermarking for Medical Images via Prediction and RC4 Encryption. In: IEEE; 2015. |
2015-2016 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Identity of user thrashing and privacy protection of fingerprints. In: ; 2015 |
2015-2016 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | Human Identification and Tracking under Occlusion using HOG and SURF |
2015-2016 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Request Reply Detection Mechanism for Malicious MANETs, Published by Springer |
2015-2016 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | A Novel Approach for Malicious Node Detection in MANET-Published by Springer |
2015-2016 | Dr. Tripti C | A Novel Approach for Enhancing the Security of User Authentication in VANET Using Biometrics |
2015-2016 | Ms. Dincy Paul | GMM clustering based segmentation and optic nervehead geometry detection from OCT nervehead images |
2015-2016 | Ms. Anjusree V.K. | Interactive Email System Based on
Blink Detection |
2015-2016 | Ms. Diya Thomas | A Weighted Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Software Engineering , Volume 5 Issue 11,2016 |
2015-2016 | Dr. Jisha G. | Active Cluster Node aggregation Scheme in wireless sensor network using neural networks |
2015-2016 | Dr. Jisha G. | Role of Gateways in MANET Integration Scenarios |
2015-2016 | Dr. Sminu Izudheen | Link Prediction in Protein Networks using Minimum Strong Edge-Edge Domination Set |
2015-2016 | Dr. Tripti C | Authentication techniques in VANETs-A Survey |
2015-2016 | Shimmi A | Neethu Kurian, Shimmi Asokan, “Summarizing user opinions: A method for labeled-data scarce product domains.”, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), Elsevier, 2014 |
2015-2016 | Shimmi A | Niloofer Shanavas and Shimmi Asokan, Ontology-Based Document Mining System for IT Support Service, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), December 2014, Elsevier |
2015-2016 | Ms. Archana Devi R | Visual Cryptographic
Schemes for Secure Image Sharing |
2015-2016 | Ms. Archana Devi R | Implementing Message Integrity
in Mobile Phones (Android platform) Using Identity Based Encryption |
2015-2016 | Ms. Archana Devi R | Ensuring Image Integrity in Android |
2015-2016 | Dr. Jisha G. | Integrated MANET Routing Scheme for Heterogeneous Networks |
2015-2016 | Ms. Diya Thomas | 1. Aswathy P Sreevatsan , Diya Thomas,” An Optimal Weighted Cluster Based Routing Protocol For Manet”, International Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing ,IEEE,March,2016 |
2015-2016 | Ms. Archana Devi R | A Comparative
Study on Sentiment Analysis for Jallikattu Protest |
2015-2016 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | A Survey on Mining User Opinion from Texts and Emoticons,Authored by Nasiya Najeeb , Sangeetha Jamal ,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 10, October-2015 |
2014-2015 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | Efficient registration via fingerprints combination.2014 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2014. |
2014-2015 | Ms. Gopika S. | Published a paper " Combining chain code, Invariant Moments and Density for offline Signature Verificcation " in International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2014) held at Jaypee University of Information technology, Delhi in \ |
2014-2015 | Ms. Anjusree V.K. | Particle Based Automated Iris Tracking and Blink
Engineering(IJARSE) |
2014-2015 | Dr. Tripti C | A Novel Approach for Enhancing the Security of User Authentication in VANET Using Biometrics |
2014-2015 | Dr. Tripti C | Distributed Priority based channel access using road structure for VANET (DPBCA) |
2014-2015 | Ms. Diya Thomas | A Survey on Weighted Clustering Techniques in MANETS, ICETEM2014 |
2014-2015 | Ms. Gopika S. | International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014) - "Online and Offline Signature Verification: A Combined Approach". |
2014-2015 | Ms. Gopika S. | "Gradient and Projection Based Feature for Offline Signature Verification" published in The International Conference on Information Science 2014 (ICIS'14) is organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, College of Engineering Cherthala |
2014-2015 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | OPEN DOMAIN QUESTION ANSWERING SYSTEM USING SEMANTIC ROLE LABELING, Sreelekhshmi V, Sangeetha Jamal. In: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies. Vol. 03. 15th ed. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology ; 2014. p. 104-107. |
2014-2015 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | An Improved SRL based Plagiarism Detection Technique using Sentence Ranking, Merin Paul, Sangeetha Jamal. In: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, 2014. Published in Elsevier Procedia Computer Science Published by Science Direct, 2015 |
2014-2015 | Ms. Jomina John | Confidential Se-Drip:A Secure Data Discovery and Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
2014-2015 | Dr. Tripti C | Enhancing the key pre-distribution on wireless sensor networks by reducing storage overhead |
2014-2015 | Ms. Elizabeth Isaac | A novel source routing technique for mesh NoCs |
2014-2015 | Ms. Diya Thomas | Enhanced Method for Noise Identification in Datasets, ICACC 2014 |
2014-2015 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | A Novel Algorithm for Traffic Reduction in Wireless Sensor Network , Published in First International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC), 2014-Paper Published in IEEE explorer |
2014-2015 | Shimmi A | Niloofer Shanavas and Shimmi Asokan, Ontology-Based Document Mining System for IT Support Service, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), December 2014, Elsevier |
2014-2015 | Shimmi A | Neethu Kurian, Shimmi Asokan, “Summarizing user opinions: A method for labeled-data scarce product domains.”, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), Elsevier, 2014 |
2014-2015 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Improving the Routing Performance of Mobile Ad hoc Networks Using Domination Set, Published in ICICT, CUSAT, Paper published by Elsiever |
2014-2015 | Ms. Diya Thomas | A Survey On Different Noise Identification Techniques In Datasets, NCRTKM-2014 |
2014-2015 | Dr. Anita John | Merin Silvi, Anita John: A Short Survey On Image Steganography Techniques in Spatial Domain, Proceedings of the National Conference on Information Security and Network Engineering-(NCISN) |
2014-2015 | Mr. Santhosh K. M. | Probability theory based approach for detecting DDoS Attack (Paper accepted in IJCSIT) |
2014-2015 | Ms. Elizabeth Isaac | Distance Routing on Mesh Network on Chip |
2014-2015 | Ms. Jomina John | Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks - a Survey |
2014-2015 | Ms. Jomina John | A Review on Secure Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks |
2014-2015 | Ms. Jomina John | Techniques to achieve Data Security During Communication in Networked Critical Infrastructures – A Survey |
2014-2015 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | protocol based classification in hybrid network intrusion detection systems, Published in National Conference on Technological Advancements in Engineering |
2014-2015 | Ms. Diya Thomas | Secure Anonymous Energy Efficient Optimal Routing Protocol for MANET |
2014-2015 | Mr. Sebin Jose | Content based Image Retrieval System with
Watermarks and Relevance Feedback |
2013-2014 | Ms. Mehbooba P Shareef | A data concealing method characterised by DNA coding. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology . 2013. |
2013-2014 | Dr. John Jose | Implementation and Analysis of History Based Output Channel Selection Strategies for Adaptive Routers in Mesh NoCs, accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM-TODAES) |
2013-2014 | Ms. Mintu Philip | Comparative Analysis of Similarity Measures in Document Clustering, IEEE |
2013-2014 | Mr. Paul Augustine | An Exploratory Survey on Various Face Recognition Methods Using Component Analysis |
2013-2014 | Shimmi A | Sreya Sreedharan, Shimmi Asokan, A Survey on Cache Performance Improvement Techniques,National conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science & Information Engineering at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Palai |
2013-2014 | Ms. Amitha Mathew | |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jomina John | Confidential Se-Drip:A Secure Data Discovery and Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
2013-2014 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | Launch Time Application Security: The Trusted Approach |
2013-2014 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | Towards a Trust Envisioned Cyber Security |
2013-2014 | Dr. Renu Mary Daniel | A Trusted Integrity Verification Architecture for Commodity Computers |
2013-2014 | Ms. Elizabeth Isaac | A Novel Energy Efficient Source Routing for Mesh NoCs |
2013-2014 | Ms. Diya Thomas | A Survey On Different Noise Identification Techniques In Datasets ,NCRTKM-2014 |
2013-2014 | Ms. Diya Thomas | Enhanced Method for Noise Identification in Datasets,ICACC2014. |
2013-2014 | Ms. Mintu Philip | A Pragmatic Approach to Develop Computational Thinking Skills in Novices in Computing Education, IEEE |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Eliza MG, Tripti C. A Comparison between Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Gabor Filter Sclera Blood Vessel Enhancement Techniques. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE). 2013;ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3(Issue-4, September 2013):22-25. |
2013-2014 | Mr. Paul Augustine | Face Recognition : A Comparative Study of Principal Component Analysis and Difference Component Analysis |
2013-2014 | Dr. John Jose | Minimally Bufferred Single-Cycle Deflection Router for Mesh NoCs. In proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE-14). Dresden, Germany, March 2014. |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jomina John | A review on secure data dissemination protocols in wireless sensor networks |
2013-2014 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Survey Paper- Question Answering Systems |
2013-2014 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | A survey on Plagiarism Detection In Text Documents |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Lidiya Ross George M, Tripti. C, "A Survey On Flooding Attack Prevention Methods In MANET-",National Conference on Information Security and Network Engineering (NCISN) 2014, 26-27 March, 2014. |
2013-2014 | Dr. John Jose | WeDBless : Weighted Deflection Bufferless Router for Mesh NoCs. In proceedings of 24th IEEE International Great Lakes Symposium on Very Large Sclae Integration (GLSVLSI-2014). Houston, Texas, USA, May 2014. |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Manoj R, Tripti C, Y.Md.Riyazuddin, G.Victor Daniel, "Enhancing the Key Pre-distribution on Wireless Sensor Networks by Reducing Storage Overhead",International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 28-29 March 2014. |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Remya Krishnan P,Tripti C, "Authentication techniques in VANETs-A Survey", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 28-29 March 2014 |
2013-2014 | Ms. Mintu Philip | Feature Based Image Manipulation, IEEE |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Shamna P, Tripti C, Paul A. FACE RECOGNITION : A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS AND DIFFERENCE COMPONENT ANALYSIS. International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR) . 2013;(August-31, 2013):275-282. |
2013-2014 | Dr. John Jose | Congestion Management in adaptive NoC routers using cost-effective selection strategies. In proceedings of Student Research Symposium at IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC-SRS), Bangalore, Dec-2013. |
2013-2014 | Dr. John Jose | Minimally buffered deflection NoC router with dual point injection. In proceedings of Student Research Symposium at IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC-SRS), Bangalore, Dec-2013. (Best Paper award) |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jomina John | Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks - a Survey |
2013-2014 | Dr. John Jose | SLIDER: Smart Late Injection DEflection Router for Mesh NoCs. In: Proceedings of 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2013). Asheville, North Carolina, USA., Oct 2013. p. 377-383. |
2013-2014 | Ms. Sangeetha Jamal | Fuzzy Rule Based Data Forwarding for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Control System. |
2013-2014 | Mr. Santhosh K. M. | Defending DDoS Attack using Stochastic Model based Puzzle Controller |
2013-2014 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | Reshma Prasad, Mary Priya Sebastian, “A Survey on Phrase Structure Learning Methods for Text Classification”, In: International Journal on Natural Language Computing,Volume 3 ,Number 2, April 2014 |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | Confidential Se-Drip:A Secure Data Discovery and Dissemination protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
2013-2014 | Mr. Paul Augustine | A novel Algorithm for Image Compression and Pattern Matching |
2013-2014 | Mr. Paul Augustine | DCA: An Approach for Face Recognition through Component Analysis |
2013-2014 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Demand based data replication in MANET, Proceedings of the third international conference on Advances in Computing & Communications 2013, August. Published by IEEE |
2013-2014 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | “ Enhancedbeaconless routing mechanism in VANET, ICACCI, Mysore, August 2013, Publisher is IEEE |
2013-2014 | Ms. Gopika S. | Feature based Image Manipulation |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Shamna P, Tripti C, Paul A. A novel Algorithm for Image Compression and Pattern Matching. International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC) 2013. |
2013-2014 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | A Cluster Based Leader Election Algorithm for MANETs, Presented in ICCC 2013, TVM, 13 to 15 December 2013, Publisher is IEEE |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | Secure data dissemination protocol in wireless sensor networks using XOR Network Coding |
2013-2014 | Mr. Jayarajan J. N. | ISSN: 2278 – 1323 : Survey on Playlist Generation Techniques |
2013-2014 | Dr. Mary Priya Sebastian | Reshma Prasad, Mary Priya Sebastian, Dr. G. Santhosh Kumar, “A Technique to Extract Transliterating Phrases in Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam”, In: Proceedings of National Conference On Indian Language Computing, February 2014 |
2013-2014 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | Enhanced Data Replication based on Demand to Improve Data Availability in MANETs”, published in International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2014) |
2013-2014 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | A novel Approach to find the alternate path for route maintenance in AODV ” Published in IJCSET Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 |
2013-2014 | Shimmi A | Asha M. J., Shimmi Asokan, BIFEMIT- A Novel Algorithm for Biometric Identification, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN:2231-0711, Vol 3, Issue 7 |
2013-2014 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | “Social-aware Context Based Approach for Forwarding Data in Wireless Network Comprising of Selfish Individuals” Published in IJCSET Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 |
2013-2014 | Dr. Preetha K. G. | “An Effective Path Protection Method to Attain the Route Stability in MANET”, published in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013 |
2013-2014 | Ms. Deepa John | Rules Extraction in XML using Correlation |
2013-2014 | Ms. Gopika S. | Static and Dynamic Hand Geature Recognition |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Balakrishnan, Salini; Tripti, C.; Cyriac, Robin, "SURVEY ON SECURITY CHALLENGES IN WARNING MESSAGE DISSEMINATION AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS", Asian Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology;Mar2014, Vol. 4 Issue 3, Pp28. |
2013-2014 | Shimmi A | Niloofer Shanavas, Shimmi Asokan, “Semantic Approach Utilizing Data Mining and Case -Based Reasoning for IT Support Service”, IJRET, Volume 3, Issue 3 |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | Data Dissemination Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks-a Survey |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | A Review on secure data dissemination protocols in wireless sensor networks |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | Techniques to achieve data security during communication in networked critical infrastructures- A Survey |
2013-2014 | Ms. Jisha Mary Jose | Security issues during data dissemination in wireless sensor networks |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Shamna P, Tripti C, Paul A. DCA: An Approach for Face Recognition through Component Analysis. International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC) 2013. |
2013-2014 | Dr. Tripti C | Shamna P, Paul A, Tripti C. An Exploratory Survey on Various Face Recognition Methods Using Component Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 2013;2(5). |
2013-2014 | Ms. Archana Devi R | Traffic Prediction through Live GPS
Data |
2013-2014 | Dr. Jisha G. | Network Layer Attacks and Protection in MANET, A Survey |
2013-2014 | Dr. Jisha G. | Optimizing of Bloom Filters by Automatic Bloom Filter Updating and Instantly Updating Service Availability on Peers in P2P Network |
2013-2014 | Dr. Jisha G. | A Comparison between Flooding and Bloom Filter Based Multikeyword Search in Peer To Peer Network |
2013-2014 | Dr. Anita John | Expository Study on Sybil attack counter measures in VANET” |
2012-2013 | Ms. Diya Thomas | Location Dependent Query Processing in Mobile Environment. In: International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication. Vol. 1. RSET; 2012 |
2012-2013 | Ms. Diya Thomas | A Categorized Survey on Buffer Overflow Countermeasures . International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 2013 |
2012-2013 | Ms. Diya Thomas | An Enhanced method for privacy preservation in data publishing . In: International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies. Vivekanadha College of Engineering for Women: IEEE; 2013. |
2012-2013 | Ms. Diya Thomas | A Survey on Privacy Preservation in Data Publishing. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology. 2013;4(5) |
2012-2013 | Mr. Paul Augustine | A Survey on Various PCA Techniques for Face Recognition |
2012-2013 | Mr. Paul Augustine | An Exploratory Survey on Various Face Recognition Methods Using Component Analysis |
2012-2013 | Dr. Anita John | Survey on data mining techniques to enhance intrusion detection |
2012-2013 | Dr. Anita John | Improving Lifetime of Structured Deployed Wireless Sensor Network Using Sleepy Algorithm |
2012-2013 | Dr. Anita John | Host based attack detection using system calls |
2011-2012 | Dr. Anita John | A host based kernel level rootkit detection mechanism using clustering technique. |
2011-2012 | Dr. Anita John | Rootkit detection mechanism: A survey |