Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/                                                Date : 07/07/2021




  1. Reporting time for all examinations

FN sessions 8:45 AM

AN session12:45 PM  (1:15 PM on Fridays)

  1. Students must report in front of the KE block for FN and AN session.
  2. RSET students must come in college uniform.
  3. The seating arrangements will be displayed in college website a day in advance of the examinations. Students are requested to check the seating arrangements online.
  4. Seating arrangements will be displayed at different locations/points in the college to ensure social distancing protocols.
  5. Students are requested to follow all stipulated and necessary protocols related to COVID-19 pandemic management.
  6. Wearing of MASK is COMPULSORY.
  7. Students shall compulsorily follow social distancing protocols during entry and exit of exam halls and exam center.
  8. Students should not gather inside or outside examination halls.
  9. Printout of Hall tickets must be taken by students from their KTU portal and bring the same on all days of exams. Center-change students must confirm the center of examination before going to the exam center.
  10. Students must bring their hall ticket and college id (or any valid original photo id such as Passport, Aadhaar, Voters ID, Driving License) for all the exams.
  11. The center-changed students should appear for exam with your hall ticket and valid ID proof (College ID, Passport, Aadhaar, Voters ID, Driving License and other valid IDs) and its photo copy on each day of exam.
  12. Students must be inside the exam hall before 9.20 am (FN session) and 1.20 pm (AN session)
  13. Students are not expected to do any sort of malpractices and exhibit any sort of misbehavior to invigilators/exam officials.
  14. Students shall bring pens, water bottles, sanitizers and any other permitted accessories required for examination. These items should not be exchanged between students.
  15. Mobile phones, programmable calculators, smart watches and other electronic gadgets are not permitted inside examination hall.
  16. Students are responsible for the safe keeping of all personal belongings they bring to the examination hall.
  17. Students should bring data book/datasheets, handbooks and other charts as permitted by the university.





Quarantine Protocols

Category of Students


Category -1

COVID-19 Positive students

Category -2

Symptomatic students identified at the screening point

Category -3

Students under quarantine and from containment zones/hotspots

Category -4

Other students


  1. Students coming under category 1 and 3 should report the matter to the convenor (email id: convenerexam@rajagiritech.edu.in) at least 2 days in advance. The details regarding student name, register number, exam name, course code and course name and date of exam along with contact number of students should be mentioned in the email.
  2. For center-changed students, they may contact the exam cell coordinator for any clarification. The details of exam cell coordinators of the allotted examination center will be displayed on their center change ‘approval page’.
  3. Students are requested to keep a diary with record of their movement history.

Important note:

Once the examination is over, students must leave the college premises immediately. Please note that gathering of any form is not allowed in the campus.


Principal, RSET.

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
841 3-Jun-2022 CAZA TRIAD-final round
842 3-Jun-2022 Registration to B.Tech S8 (2015 Scheme) Supplementary Exam June 2022
843 2-Jun-2022 Merit Award in Mathematics and Humanities
844 2-Jun-2022 Automatic Morphological Classification of Galaxies using Statistical Learning
845 1-Jun-2022 Registration to B.Tech S4 (2015 Scheme) Supplementary & FE Exam June 2022
846 30-May-2022 Tomorrow, 31st May will be a Holiday for the College.
847 28-May-2022 Eighth Semester (KTU 2015 Scheme) Second Internal Examination -June 2022
848 28-May-2022 M.TECH. Degree Second Semester (2021admns.) First Internal Examination Schedule
849 27-May-2022 Alumni Interaction Session
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