Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/5335                                                Date : 03/16/2020


As per the Circular dated 12.03.2020 from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, the period from 12.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 may be treated as study leave for the University examinations as the University is unable to allocate extra study period for the students thereafter. Hence, all students are advised to make use of this study period (12.03.2020 to 31.03.2020) effectively.

 The examination calendar for this semester is slightly modified considering the emergency of the prevailing situation. 

 Students will be provided video lectures/online resources etc. during this study period.

Students are encouraged to make video presentations of their project works. 

 The results of the last odd semester examinations will be declared latest by 20.03.2020. Students are requested to effectively utilize this study period till 31st March 2020 to clear their pending arrears.


The last working day for the even semester will be 05.05.2020.

The examination calendar already published will be shifted as such by seven days to enable the completion of the academic requirements. Accordingly, the date of commencement of examinations is shifted from 11.05.2020 to 18.05.2020.



Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1281 2-Feb-2021 First Semester B.Tech. Degree Final Examination(2020 Admissions)
1282 30-Jan-2021 Change in date of S3 B.Tech. students' Contact classes
1283 29-Jan-2021 College bus route and timing from 1st February 2021
1284 28-Jan-2021 M.TECH. S1 (2020 admns.)FIRST INTERNAL EXAMINATION - TIME TABLE
1285 28-Jan-2021 International Internship Program
1286 28-Jan-2021 KTU S1 improvement will be held on 29/01/2021, 01/02/2021, 03/02/2021and 05/02/2021.
1287 25-Jan-2021 Two projects from RSET get Funding under the “UAS.International” Programme of German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD)
1288 23-Jan-2021 Online five days FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Theory and Applications”
1289 22-Jan-2021 S3 B.Tech students are directed to fill up the form available in the students’ corner online on or before Tuesday, 26th January 2021 for attending contact classes
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