Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/5009                                                Date : 08/26/2019


Sunya Labs is conducting a Fabrication (Fab) and High Performance Computing (HPC) training program for interested students. For the FabLab Session, students will be trained in the usage of equipments like             3-D Printer, Laser Cutter and Engraver, Vinyl Cutter etc. Students have to remit a fee of Rs. 1250/- for this training.

For the HPC Lab Session, students will be trained in Programming Languages like CUDA, Pthread, OpenMP and MPI. Students have to remit a fee of Rs. 1000/- for this training.

Registration already started. Interested student can register using following form.

For HPC: https://forms.gle/nh6Wq4pAHeYEPdDa6

For FAB: https://forms.gle/nq7SMxbEqB1e6kD6A

Registration closes on:  6th September 2019 (Friday)

Card Swiping facility is available at Sunya Labs from 29th August onwards. Kindly visit the Sunya Labs for more details.

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1311 9-Feb-2021 Non departmental electives
1312 5-Feb-2021 NSS Special Camp- മയൂഖം 2021
1314 5-Feb-2021 College Bus Timing from 8th February 2021
1315 4-Feb-2021 Mathematics Club Day 2021 Celebrations
1316 2-Feb-2021 First Semester B.Tech. Degree Final Examination(2020 Admissions)
1317 30-Jan-2021 Change in date of S3 B.Tech. students' Contact classes
1318 29-Jan-2021 College bus route and timing from 1st February 2021
1319 28-Jan-2021 M.TECH. S1 (2020 admns.)FIRST INTERNAL EXAMINATION - TIME TABLE
1320 28-Jan-2021 International Internship Program
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