Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/4846                                                Date : 05/03/2019


The B.Tech. students are directed to remit the fees for the year 2019- 20 as per the schedule noted below.  Fees can be remitted online browsing the college website www.rajagiritech.ac.in


Students having scholarship/fee concession in the previous year by the management should apply for the same to the Director, RSET along with relevant copies of marklists on or before 25th May 2019. The application can be handed over to Fr. Joseph Mathew CMI.



                                    B.Tech Fee Structure for the year 2019-20



Sl. No.








Tuition Fee


     Rs.  75,000




Special Fee


    Rs.  10,000






  Rs.  85,000



Period of remittance:


                                                 -           10th May  2019 to 15th  June 2019


 With a fine of Rs. 250/-          -           From 16th June 2019 to 14th July 2019





Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1251 5-Feb-2021 College Bus Timing from 8th February 2021
1252 4-Feb-2021 Mathematics Club Day 2021 Celebrations
1253 2-Feb-2021 First Semester B.Tech. Degree Final Examination(2020 Admissions)
1254 30-Jan-2021 Change in date of S3 B.Tech. students' Contact classes
1255 29-Jan-2021 College bus route and timing from 1st February 2021
1256 28-Jan-2021 M.TECH. S1 (2020 admns.)FIRST INTERNAL EXAMINATION - TIME TABLE
1257 28-Jan-2021 International Internship Program
1258 28-Jan-2021 KTU S1 improvement will be held on 29/01/2021, 01/02/2021, 03/02/2021and 05/02/2021.
1259 25-Jan-2021 Two projects from RSET get Funding under the “UAS.International” Programme of German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD)
1260 23-Jan-2021 Online five days FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Theory and Applications”
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