Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/3776                                                Date : 08/19/2017


Presentation on Plans and prospects of higher education in USA


Ms. Aparna Chandrashekaran, Adviser-Education USA would like to address our students of the S5 and S7 classes of UG and the PG students, to make them aware of the plans and prospects of higher education in United States.   The schedule of event will be as given below:

Date: 21 August, 2017

Time: 03.30 p.m. to 04.30 p.m.

Venue:  Multimedia hall

Intended group:  S5, S7 students (UG) and PG and PhD students.

Class teachers/HoDs should also be present at the venue

HoDs are directed to bring this announcement to the notice of the students intended to attend as above.  Other activities on the same duration on 21 August, 2017 may be scheduled accordingly



                                                                                Dr. A. Unnikrishnan

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1311 15-Feb-2021 Congratulations!!
1312 9-Feb-2021 Non departmental electives
1313 5-Feb-2021 NSS Special Camp- മയൂഖം 2021
1315 5-Feb-2021 College Bus Timing from 8th February 2021
1316 4-Feb-2021 Mathematics Club Day 2021 Celebrations
1317 2-Feb-2021 First Semester B.Tech. Degree Final Examination(2020 Admissions)
1318 30-Jan-2021 Change in date of S3 B.Tech. students' Contact classes
1319 29-Jan-2021 College bus route and timing from 1st February 2021
1320 28-Jan-2021 M.TECH. S1 (2020 admns.)FIRST INTERNAL EXAMINATION - TIME TABLE
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