Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/7766                                                Date : 02/28/2024



Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)


As per AICTE Regulations, the Internal Complaints Committee has been reconstituted with the following members:


1. Dr. Saritha S. (DCS)       Presiding Officer



2. Dr. Tresa Michael (DEC) 

3. Sr. Alphonsa Thomas (DBSH)

4. Mr. Kiran K. A. (DEC)

5. Ms. Kuttyamma A.J. (DIT)

6. Mr. Reji V. V. (Office)

7. Ms. Savitha Sebastian (DEE-Technical)


Student Representatives:

8. Ms. Chinnu Rose Jose (S7 EC A)

9. Ms. Lena Vinoy (S7 AE)

10. Ms. Minnu Sebastian (S7 EE)




Sl No. Date Previous Notices
81 26-Nov-2024 Ph.D. Course work Examination
82 25-Nov-2024 B.Tech. First Semseter End Semester Examination Registration
83 23-Nov-2024 B.Tech. Degree Second Internal Examination First Semester (2024 Admissions) Schedule
84 19-Nov-2024 Registration and Schedule of M.Tech. Degree First Semester (2024 Admission)
85 19-Nov-2024 B. Tech. Third Semester Minor (2023 Admission) and Fifth Semester Honours (2022 Admission) End Semester Examination Registration
86 18-Nov-2024 Revised Schedule of B.Tech. Degree Fifth Semester End Semester Examination
87 18-Nov-2024 Registration and Schedule of M.Tech. Degree Third Semester (2023 admission) End Semester Examination
88 13-Nov-2024 Open House for B.Tech. Semester 1
89 12-Nov-2024 B. Tech. Even Semester Theory Supplementary Examination and Odd Semester Practical Supplementary Examination (2020 admission) - Registration
90 12-Nov-2024 Schedule of B.Tech. Degree Third Semester End Semester Examination
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