Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/8600                                                Date : 02/06/2025



Placement Cell in association with “ GenSys”, Department association of CSBS, is conducting an Industry Interaction programme  “ Tea with C.E.O “ for all the final years and pre-final year students.  Mr. Bineesh Thomas, Managing Director, EXPEED Software, InfoPark Kochi is taking the session on “The Gap between Academia and Industry: Why it exists and How to bridge it”

Please find the details of Program below.


Date :07th February 2025, Friday

Time: 11.40 am to 12.30 pm

Venue: Seminar Hall, K.E Auditorium

Faculty Co-ordinator: Anand Anto.



Sl No. Date Previous Notices
181 10-Jul-2024 Certificate Course On Topological Data Analysis
182 9-Jul-2024 B.Tech Degree End Semester Supplementary Practical Examination (External) July 2024 (2019 Scheme)-Fourth Semester -ITL 204 Database Management Systems Lab 
183 9-Jul-2024 B.Tech. Computer Science and Business Systems First Semester (2023 Admission) Slots E And F Supplementary Examinations - Rescheduled
184 8-Jul-2024 SemesterPlan S3 S5 S7 (July 2024-December 2024)
185 8-Jul-2024 2024-2025 Academic Calendar (Odd Semester) - S3 S5 S7
186 8-Jul-2024 Skill Development Workshop on IoT, ThingWorx & Vuforia
187 2-Jul-2024 Students who do not join the Suraksha Insurance Scheme will not be Permitted to Enroll into Higher Semesters in the KTU Portal
188 2-Jul-2024 College Bus Routes & Timing- (From July 4th Onwards)
189 2-Jul-2024 Results of Digital Poster Designing Competition - World Drug Day
190 29-Jun-2024 Two Supplementary Examinations for B.Tech. First Semester (2021/2022 Admissions) and Two Supplementary Examinations For B.Tech. Fifth Semester (2021 Admission) - Rescheduled.
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