Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities

Department of

Basic Sciences & Humanities

One of the first departments to be established in RSET, in the year 2001, the Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities is an integral part of the institution. The Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities comprises the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, English, Economics, and Physical Education. Student Welfare also falls under the purview of this department.
In the undergraduate level engineering programmes, the department offers the following courses:

  1. Chemistry: Engineering Chemistry in the first year, Environmental Science in the second year, and open electives (Introduction to Nanoscience and Introduction to Functional Materials) for the final year students.
  2. Physics: Engineering Physics in the first year, minor degree program in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Development (S3 to S8), and open electives (Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals to Device Modelling and Fabrication, Graphene and Low-Dimensional Materials, Astronomy and Astrophysics: Exploring Celestial Dynamics) for the final year students.
  3. English: English for Engineers in the first year, Communication Skills for Professionals in the second year, Professional & Business Ethics in the third year, and open elective (Soft Skills & Interpersonal Communication) for the final year students.
  4. Economics: Constitution of India, UHV II & Social Work, and Industrial Economics & Foreign Trade in the third year and open elective (Entrepreneurship & Economic Policies) for the final year students.

The Department also provides courses such as Business Communication and Value Science, Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge, Fundamentals of Economics,  Introduction to Innovation IP Management and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Sciences, and Physics for Computing Science to students pursuing B.Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems.
As an important auxiliary department of the institution, with a dedicated workforce of twenty five staff members, most of whom are actively involved in research projects and programmes, DSH is also responsible for managing the first year of the B.Tech programme.


The department vision is to evolve into a center of excellence in sciences and humanities that will blend innovative practices in professional teaching with research in frontier areas in a mutually enriching manner, with the holistic development of the students as its prime focus.


The department mission is to provide the students with an excellent background in the fundamentals of sciences and humanities, to facilitate a comprehensive development of their technical and professional competencies, to foster scientific temper and a culture of lifelong learning, to produce high-quality research, and to render socially relevant extension services.
The department objectives, which are derived from the vision and the mission statements, are as follows:

  • To continually improve the teaching-learning processes, by keeping abreast of the latest trends in pedagogy and the individual disciplines
  • To promote innovation, creativity and critical thinking across the disciplines, and increase participation in research and extension
  • To empower the staff and the students to realize their full potential


The department is committed to maintaining quality in teaching, research and extension, hence, it will monitor its functioning in these spheres through self-assessment strategies and stakeholder feedback, and engage in the process of continuous improvement.



The Engineering Physics courses endeavor to introduce learners of engineering to the scientific methods and help them appropriate necessary engineering professional skills as elaborated as global program outcomes of engineering education. The objective of the courses is to help the students capitalize on the symbiotic relationship between physics and engineering, which plays a primary role in all branches of engineering and in essence is applied physics. Taking into account the emergence of the Age of Acceleration, which is scheduled to bring about an entrepreneurial transformation to the engineering profession, the courses will be taught according to an Entrepreneurial Pedagogy developed in-house. Further, the courses also try to IT-fy the physical phenomena fundamental to the engineering disciplines in an attempt to make learners future-ready in a digitalized world.


Chemistry is a fundamental discipline that plays a critical role in several fields of science,

including engineering, medicine, and materials science. The courses offered by the discipline aim to impart a scientific approach, familiarize students with the applications of chemistry in the field of technology, and create awareness about the major environmental issues for sustainable development. Additionally, the discipline covers a wider spectrum that includes an introduction to nanoscience and functional materials for the higher semesters.


The discipline provides a range of courses that help students develop a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of economics. These courses aid students in understanding the decision-making process at the business and industry levels, as well as the theories associated with international trade. Additionally, the department offers courses that provide an integrated framework for innovation and entrepreneurship, which prepares students to face the challenges of the future workplace. The department also provides a clear understanding of market dynamics, production functions, and the role of institutions in policy making. The curriculum also includes a course on the Constitution of India, aimed at promoting democratic values and an impartial approach towards others in public interactions.
Furthermore, the courses promote democratic values and an impartial approach towards others in public interactions. The economics department not only imparts essential economic knowledge but also instills democratic values and impartiality in its students' public interactions.


The courses offered by the discipline are instrumental in providing an impetus to develop the communication skills of the students and to deliberate the same on their personal and professional fronts. The discipline is committed to the development of soft skills in students such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, all of which are essential for success in the workplace, as well as addressing the ethical concerns that arise in professional and business settings. Further, by providing a conducive learning environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and independent thinking, the discipline empowers students to reach their full potential. This approach has been substantial in helping students develop a better understanding of the nuances of language and communication, equipping them with the necessary skills to engage in meaningful discourse and interact effectively with others in a diverse and dynamic world.


The Physical Education Department of our institution is dedicated to promoting physical fitness and sports among students with the aim of ensuring their participation in major sports and athletic meets at various levels. The department also believes that the theoretical aspects of physical education, health, and yoga practices have to be incorporated along with their practical application, which is implemented through a theory course. 


The student welfare office aims to create a supportive environment to help students discuss their mental health-related concerns. The office is devoted to providing students with an awareness of the common mental health problems faced by their age group, as well as offering counselling and follow-up services to those in need. By addressing and helping students with their mental well-being, the student welfare office plays a crucial role in supporting every student in their personal and academic lives, and helps create a positive and healthy campus community.