From Saint Chavara
RSET Unique Id: | 31542 | |
Area of Interest: | Information Security |
Sl No | Year | Stream | Sem | Branch | Subject |
1 | 2022 | B.Tech. | S6 | EC |
Year | Title of the Paper-Conference/Journal Details |
2023 | Hash Function Design Based on Hybrid Five Neighbourhood Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions Complex Systems |
2022 | Fault Resistant Trivium-like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata.
Journal of Cellular Automata |
2022 | A Cellular Automata Based Fault Resistant MICKEY-Like Stream Cipher 15th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2022, Geneva, Switzerland |
2021 | A Novel Hash Function Based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions First Asian Symposium on Cellular Automata Technology |
2020 | A Novel Hash Function Based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions. First Asian Symposium on Cellular Automata Technology. ASCAT 2022 |
2020 | PENTAVIUM: Potent Trivium-Like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata. The 14th International Conference and School Cellular Automata for Research and Industry. Univerity of Lodz, Poland |
2018 | CARPenter:A Cellular Automata Based Resilient Pentavalent Stream Cipher. Cellular Automata-13th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2018, Como, Italy |
2014 | Merin Silvi, Anita John: A Short Survey On Image Steganography Techniques in Spatial Domain, Proceedings of the National Conference on Information Security and Network Engineering-(NCISN) |
2013 | Expository Study on Sybil attack counter measures in VANET” |
2012 | Survey on data mining techniques to enhance intrusion detection 2012 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics |
2012 | Host based attack detection using system calls Second International Conference on Computational Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CCSEIT '12). |
2012 | Improving Lifetime of Structured Deployed Wireless Sensor Network Using Sleepy Algorithm International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems |
2011 | Rootkit detection mechanism: A survey International Conference on Parallel Distributed Computing Technologies and Applications, pp. 366-374. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. |
2011 | A host based kernel level rootkit detection mechanism using clustering technique. International Conference on Computational Science, Engineering and Information Technology |