Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/6638                                                Date : 09/28/2022



            Students who wish to apply for National Scholarships such as Merit cum Means (MCM) Scholarships, Central Sector Scholarships, etc (Fresh or Renewal) for the year 2022-23 are directed to visit “www.scholarships.gov.in”. After submitting the online application, the print out of the application form along with the hard copies of the listed documents should be submitted to the office at the earliest. It should be noted that the Income Certificate must be obtained from the Revenue Authority (Village Officer/ Tahsildar). All the documents should be uploaded to the scholarship portal. Uploaded documents must be in a readable format. Students’ e-mail IDs and mobile numbers should be entered in the portal. The mobile number should not be changed during the course period. The last date for submission of fresh and renewal online applications is 31st October 2022.


            The eligibility to renew the Scholarship has been revised as ‘no back paper in any previous semester’.


Documents to be submitted along with the fresh application form:-

  1. Student Photo.
  2. Bonafide certificate from Institution. (This form can be downloaded from the scholarship portal)
  3. The latest Income Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the State/UT Government is required
  4. Self Declaration of minority community for MCM Scholarship. (This proforma can be downloaded by searching through Google)
  5. Fee Receipt of ‘Current Course Year’ (The academic year 2022-23).
  6. Proof of active Bank Account in the name of Student. - It should be linked with the Aadhar Number and cannot be changed in the future.  
  7. Domicile Certificate/ Nativity Certificate/Self-attested copy of Aadhar card or SSLC Book (Kerala Govt).
  8. Hostel inmates should submit their hostel fee receipts for the year 2022-23.
  9. Self-Attested Certificate of ‘Previous Qualifying Exam /Board Mark sheet’.


Documents to be submitted along with the Renewal application form:-


          Documents listed 1 to 8 as above

          9.  Self Attested copy of all semesters’ mark list.



27.09.2022                                                                                                    Principal

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
801 22-Oct-2022 Seminar on 'Full Stack Web Development'
802 21-Oct-2022 The final date of payment of college fees will be 30th October-2022.
803 20-Oct-2022 Winners of Poster Competition on Mental Health & Well-being
804 15-Oct-2022 Entering into the realm of AI
805 15-Oct-2022 Informatyka 2.0
806 13-Oct-2022 The Students have to utilise the time from 17th to 26th October for doing their Projects.
807 13-Oct-2022 The M.Tech Admission process will be held on Friday, 14th October 2022.
808 10-Oct-2022 Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive
809 10-Oct-2022 Department of Mechanical Engineering Third Semester B. Tech Degree Supplementary Examination- Oct 2022
810 10-Oct-2022 Poster Competition on Mental Health & Well-Being
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