Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/6637                                                Date : 09/28/2022


The selection of S3 Minor is available in RSMS. Students can select the course through the students’ corner from 10.00 am on 29-09-22, to 12.00 pm on 30-09-22 and can give three preferences for Minor. Allotment of the course is based on the availability of batches and the discretion of the department.


Sl No. Date Previous Notices
801 22-Oct-2022 Seminar on 'Full Stack Web Development'
802 21-Oct-2022 The final date of payment of college fees will be 30th October-2022.
803 20-Oct-2022 Winners of Poster Competition on Mental Health & Well-being
804 15-Oct-2022 Entering into the realm of AI
805 15-Oct-2022 Informatyka 2.0
806 13-Oct-2022 The Students have to utilise the time from 17th to 26th October for doing their Projects.
807 13-Oct-2022 The M.Tech Admission process will be held on Friday, 14th October 2022.
808 10-Oct-2022 Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive
809 10-Oct-2022 Department of Mechanical Engineering Third Semester B. Tech Degree Supplementary Examination- Oct 2022
810 10-Oct-2022 Poster Competition on Mental Health & Well-Being
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