Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/6376                                                Date : 05/18/2022



RSET NDLI is organizing a three level Competition CAZA TRIAD for the students of RSET. Interested students can register individually or as a group (of max. 4 members). The performance of the teams in the first two rounds (Quiz and Idea Pitching Rounds)  will determine their entry into the final round, the Treasure Hunt. The first round of the event (Quiz Competition) will be conducted on 20th May 2022, Friday.

Registration link: https://bit.ly/CazaTriad

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
961 10-Jun-2022 Inaugural ceremony- Dance club
962 10-Jun-2022 One Day Digital Information Technology Seminar for Women
963 10-Jun-2022 External academic audit by KTU will be held on 14th & 15th June 2022
964 9-Jun-2022 Career Awareness Talk
965 9-Jun-2022 Samavarthanam2022 Postponed to Friday, 24th June 2022 at 2.00 pm
966 8-Jun-2022 Remedial Placement Aptitude Training
967 3-Jun-2022 Samavarthanam2022
968 3-Jun-2022 CAZA TRIAD-final round
969 3-Jun-2022 Registration to B.Tech S8 (2015 Scheme) Supplementary Exam June 2022
970 2-Jun-2022 Merit Award in Mathematics and Humanities
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