Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/6241                                                Date : 03/08/2022


RSET IEDC - Innovators’ Premier League (IPL) 2021 - State Champions


RSETIEDC has been awarded the title of overall State Champions in the Innovators’ Premier League (IPL)2021. IPL is an initiative of the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) to bring out the best talents from the 340 IEDCs in Engineering, Arts & Science & Polytechnic Colleges across Kerala.

We received a cash prize of One Lakh Rupees at the IEDC Summit held on 5th March 2022. Our IEDC also received awards in the following categories.

  • Top Performer in State – Engineering Colleges
  • Top Performer  in Central Region
  • Top Performer  in Ernakulam District
  • Top Student Performer in Ernakulam District - Mr. Abhijith Das (Technical Lead, RSET IEDC - S5 CSE A)
  • Best IPL Student Lead - Ms. Sradha Suresh (Institution Innovation Council (IIC) Chair - S8 CSE C)
  • First Runner Up in IPL Startup Pitch (Cash Prize Rs.10,000) - Mr. Jerin Peter (S5 ECE B)


RSET IEDC is recognised as TBI


RSETIEDC is recognised as a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) by the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) as part of KSUM's sustained move to upgrade IEDCs in colleges to incubators to support youngsters coming out of the colleges.




Sl No. Date Previous Notices
922 11-Jul-2022 Open House for B.Tech Semester 2
923 8-Jul-2022 winners of the J.A.M Competition
924 8-Jul-2022 Alumni Reunion - Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
925 8-Jul-2022 Ph.D. course work examination, March 2022 - Result Published
926 7-Jul-2022 Guidelines Regarding Conduct of Retest
927 7-Jul-2022 Regarding Assignment Test
928 30-Jun-2022 JAM - JUST A MINUTE
929 30-Jun-2022 Reminder - Beginning July 1, 2022, Students are Required to Strictly Follow all Institutional Rules and Regulations, Including those Regarding Uniforms and the Use of Mobile Phones
930 30-Jun-2022 M.Tech. Degree second semester Supplementary Examination(2020 admissions) - Notification
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