Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET                                                Date : 02/02/2022


The Inauguration of APPTRONICS - Association of the Department of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (2021 – 2022) will be held on Friday, 4th February 2022 at 2.30pm. 


The Chief Guest for the event is Mr. Pradeep Sukumaran, Vice President, AI & Cloud SW, Ignatarium Technology Solutions.


All M.Tech students especially the 1st year M.Tech must compulsorily participate.


Link for joining: https://godrejandboyce.webex.com/godrejandboyce/j.php?MTID=m18d22c861e9fea0a35ca41a2b401bc27

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
911 3-Jun-2022 CAZA TRIAD-final round
912 3-Jun-2022 Registration to B.Tech S8 (2015 Scheme) Supplementary Exam June 2022
913 2-Jun-2022 Merit Award in Mathematics and Humanities
914 2-Jun-2022 Automatic Morphological Classification of Galaxies using Statistical Learning
915 1-Jun-2022 Registration to B.Tech S4 (2015 Scheme) Supplementary & FE Exam June 2022
916 30-May-2022 Tomorrow, 31st May will be a Holiday for the College.
917 28-May-2022 Eighth Semester (KTU 2015 Scheme) Second Internal Examination -June 2022
918 28-May-2022 M.TECH. Degree Second Semester (2021admns.) First Internal Examination Schedule
919 27-May-2022 Alumni Interaction Session
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