Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET                                                Date : 12/03/2021


Poster Making and Presentation Competition (Group)

In connection with Human Rights Day, The Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities is organising a poster making and presentation competition on the theme of equality. The posters may be based on any one of the following topics.


Inclusivity of public spaces for the differently-abled

Accessibility of health facilities amidst the pandemic

Economic equality: A dream?


  • The competition is open to students of all semesters.
  • Each team should consist of 1-4 members.
  • Digital and handmade posters will be accepted.
  • The presentation of the posters should not extend beyond 3 min. It should be delivered in English.
  • The format for naming the files is Theme_Poster_Name of one member and Theme_Presentation_Name of one member for the poster and presentation respectively.
  • The poster and the recording of the presentation can be uploaded to the following link:




Sl No. Date Previous Notices
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1114 17-Jan-2022 Poster Making Competition
1115 17-Jan-2022 All classes will be conducted in the on-line mode(18 January 2022 to 21 January 2022)
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1117 15-Jan-2022 Regular classes are suspended on 17.01.22
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