Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/5515                                                Date : 11/05/2020


Submission of Original Certificates for students admitted in College Merit

Students admitted in College Merit are directed to submit their original certificates in the college office as per the schedule given below. One of the parents should accompany the student.


Reporting time


9 November 2020

9 am to 12.30 pm

Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


Artificial Intelligence & Data Science


Civil Engineering



Information Technology


10 November 2020

9 am to 12.30 pm

Computer Science & Engineeirng


Electrical & Electronics Engineering

11 November 2020

9 am to 12.30 pm

Electronics & Communication Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Original documents to be submitted:

  1. A Passport size photograph.
  2. Original and Self attested copy of 10th standard marklist ( 2 copies)
  3. Original and Self attested copy of 10th standard pass certificate (2 copies)
  4. 12th standard pass certificate in original (for CBSE/ICSE).
  5. 12th standard marklist in original.
  6. Admit card of KEAM 2020 in original.
  7. Score card of KEAM 2020 in original.
  8. Transfer certificate from the institution last attended.
  9. Character and Conduct certificate from the institution last attended.
  10. Copy of Aadhar card.
  11. Physical fitness certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner.
  12. Certificate from the Parish Priest (for those who are admitted in Christian Community merit)


Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1361 1-Dec-2020 The Department association of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, is organising “TechEra” – Series of technical talk on the following topics on 2nd&3rd December 2020
1362 1-Dec-2020 RSET IEDC is organizing online REDTales (Rajagiri Entrepreneurship Development Tales)
1363 1-Dec-2020 Department of Information Technology organizing a National Webinar on “Cyber Security and the Career Paths”
1364 1-Dec-2020 Hostlers who were staying in Sanjoe Hostel 1 and Sanjoe Hostel 2 (Old Building) are directed to vacate their rooms/ take away their belongings on or before 20th of December 2020.
1365 1-Dec-2020 Constitution of Finance Committee
1366 1-Dec-2020 Constitution of Academic Council
1367 1-Dec-2020 Constitution of Board of Studies
1368 27-Nov-2020 Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities is organizing two webinar series, Expert Voices, and Ethics Matters during 2020-2021
1369 23-Nov-2020 B.TECH S3, S5 & S7 FE EXAM DECEMBER 2020
1370 20-Nov-2020  A  webinar on ‘Design Thinking’
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