Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PL/N/5009                                                Date : 08/26/2019


Sunya Labs is conducting a Fabrication (Fab) and High Performance Computing (HPC) training program for interested students. For the FabLab Session, students will be trained in the usage of equipments like             3-D Printer, Laser Cutter and Engraver, Vinyl Cutter etc. Students have to remit a fee of Rs. 1250/- for this training.

For the HPC Lab Session, students will be trained in Programming Languages like CUDA, Pthread, OpenMP and MPI. Students have to remit a fee of Rs. 1000/- for this training.

Registration already started. Interested student can register using following form.

For HPC: https://forms.gle/nh6Wq4pAHeYEPdDa6

For FAB: https://forms.gle/nq7SMxbEqB1e6kD6A

Registration closes on:  6th September 2019 (Friday)

Card Swiping facility is available at Sunya Labs from 29th August onwards. Kindly visit the Sunya Labs for more details.

Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1501 4-May-2020 The Revaluation and Answer Script copy request of B. tech S7 (R,S ) Dec 2019 has been opened in the portal
1502 19-Apr-2020 Heartfelt Condolence
1503 6-Apr-2020 Uploading of the entire syllabi in the form of videos and ppts at the RSET website and RSET YouTube
1504 16-Mar-2020 As per the Circular dated 12.03.2020 from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, the period from 12.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 may be treated as study leave for the University examinations
1505 10-Mar-2020 As declared by the Government of Kerala, all classes are suspended with effect from 11.03.2020 upto 31st March 2020 unless revoked by the Government.
1506 29-Feb-2020 Indo- German Summer School 2020 Academic/Cultural Exchange Program
1507 29-Feb-2020 Product Development Workshop
1508 26-Feb-2020 Students who have applied for Pragati and Saksham scholarships of AICTE are directed to correct the application details uploaded in the scholarship portal, if any
1509 25-Jan-2020 Last few days to Enroll to NPTEL Certification Courses
1510 25-Jan-2020 Invited Talk by Mr. Arjun Narayanan , Scientist ISRO
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