Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/8556                                                Date : 01/21/2025


                                                                                                Energy Club

The Energy Club is formed with the following faculty members to promote energy conservation practices, conduct regular energy audits, and lead environmental promotional activities on campus. The Energy Conservation Club has been amalgamated with the Energy Club.

  Rev. Dr. Joel George Pullolil CMI – Coordinator 

Mr. Jeffin Johnson, Faculty Advisor, NSS – Ex-officio member 

Faculty Advisors:

Ms. Tintu Pious, Assistant Professor, DEE 

Ms. Seema Safar, Assistant Professor, DCS 






Sl No. Date Previous Notices
1 10-Feb-2025 Research Seminar of Ms. Swapna Davies, Research Scholar 
2 6-Feb-2025 Tea with C.E.O Programme
3 6-Feb-2025 Evolve India Robot Olympiad (EIRO) 2025
4 5-Feb-2025 Winners of Dr Jaya Abraham Memorial Ever Rolling Trophy, 21st All Kerala Mathematics Quiz Competition and Mathematics Club Day Celebration
5 5-Feb-2025 AI for Cyber Security
6 5-Feb-2025 From Predictive modelling to Creative Generation:The shift in AI capabilities
7 4-Feb-2025 A Safe and Vibrant Campus- Let’s Collectively Uphold It
8 3-Feb-2025 B.Tech. Degree First Internal Examination Second Semester (2024 Admission) - Schedule
9 3-Feb-2025 B.Tech. Degree First Internal Examination Fourth Semester (2023 Admission) – Schedule
10 3-Feb-2025 B.Tech. Degree First Internal Examination Sixth Semester (2022 Admission) - Schedule
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