Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/8416                                                Date : 11/29/2024


RSET/EXAM 1/24/221


Sub: Publication of the result of B.Tech. degree Sixth semester (2021 admission), Fourth semester (2022 admission) and Second semester (2023 admission) End Semester Examination revaluation.

            It is hereby notified that the marks obtained after the revaluation of answer books of B.Tech. degree Sixth Semester (2021 admission), Fourth Semester (2022 admission) and Second Semester (2023 admission) End Semester Examination have been published. 

Marks obtained after revaluation, if there is difference in marks, is published in the REXA portal.



November 26, 2024                                                                Controller of Examinations


Sl No. Date Previous Notices
41 3-Jan-2025 Technical Talk on Exploiting Structure in Audio Data
42 1-Jan-2025 Founder's Day and Christmas & New Year Celebrations
43 31-Dec-2024 B. Tech Minor Programme (S6) 2022-26 batch List of Approved MOOC Courses
44 27-Dec-2024 NCC -10-Day Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC)
45 24-Dec-2024 NSS Special Camp
46 19-Dec-2024 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Even Semester S2/S4/S6/S8
47 19-Dec-2024 Semester Plan S2/S4/S6/S8 Even Semester
48 18-Dec-2024 Nature's Equation - Virtual Photography Contest
49 16-Dec-2024 Two Days National Level Workshop Series Convergence of Quantum Accelerated Computing and Cloud Computing 2024 December 17 - 18
50 12-Dec-2024 B. Tech Minor Programme (S6) 2021-25 Batch List of Approved MOOC Courses
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