Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/8333                                                Date : 10/23/2024


Workshop on Antenna Design using HFSS


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, in association with Electronauts is organizing a “Workshop on Antenna Design using HFSS” exclusively for S7 ECE students on 23rd October 2024, Wednesday.


Resource Person:        Dr. Swetha Amit 

               Senior Application Engineer 

                Entuple Technologies Pvt Ltd 



Venue: Online mode via Microsoft Teams


Time: 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm


Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Deepthy G S, Ms. Shyama Sreekumar


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71 4-Dec-2024 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Semester III Lab Examination (Regular) 102903/ CO322S Data structures Lab-(2023 Admission)
72 2-Dec-2024 Department Of Information Technology Semester Iii (2023 – 2027 Batch) 102903/Co322s Data Structures Lab External Examination Schedule
73 2-Dec-2024 Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Seventh Semester B.Tech Degree External Lab Examination December 2024
74 29-Nov-2024 Travel Information Survey for NRI Students & Students from Outside India/Kerala
75 29-Nov-2024 Schedule of B.Tech. degree first semester End Semester Examination
76 29-Nov-2024 Publication of the result of B.Tech. degree Sixth semester (2021 admission), Fourth semester (2022 admission) and Second semester (2023 admission) End Semester Examination revaluation.
77 29-Nov-2024 B.Tech. Degree Retest Examination First Semester (2024 Admissions) Schedule
78 26-Nov-2024 B.Tech. Second Semester (2021/2022/2023 admissions), Fourth Semester (2021/2022 admissions), Sixth Semester (2021 admission) Supplementary Examinations – Registration.
79 26-Nov-2024 Ph.D. Course work Examination
80 25-Nov-2024 B.Tech. First Semseter End Semester Examination Registration
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