Rajagiri Notice

Notice No:  RSET/PR/N/8329                                                Date : 10/18/2024


          KMA Student Chapter Inauguration

Department of Computer Science and Business Systems is planning to inaugurate the student chapter of Kerala Management Association (KMA) in Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Kochi on 23 October 2024. 

Venue :- Seminar Hall, Fourth floor, KE block.

Schedule of events:-

3: 00 PM – Silent Prayer.

3: 01 PM – Welcome Address by Dr. Divya James, HoD, Dept of CSBS.

3: 05 PM – Felicitation by Assistant Director , Fr. Dr. Joel George Pullolil, CMI.

3: 10 PM -  Introducing Student Chapter Office Bearers and inauguration.

                                Student Chapter Office bearers

  1.         President - Roshan Sherry, S5 CU
  2.         Vice President- Ron Mathew Sino, S5 CU
  3.         Secretary - Shibin Raju, S3 CU

                             Faculty coordinators 

                               1. Dr. Dhanya P.M, Professor, CSBS

                                2. Mr. Anand Anto, Assistant Professor, CSBS

3: 20 PM - Presidential Address by 

                          Shri. Bibu Punnooraan,


                           Medivision Group of Diagnostic Centres.

                           (President KMA).

3: 30 PM – KMA Membership distribution by President KMA.

3:40 PM –  Vote of Thanks by Mr. Anand Anto, Dept of CSBS. 

3:45 PM -   Keynote Address by 

                         Adv. Joy Thattil,

                         Managing Partner, Callidus legal, Mumbai.


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